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5104.011 Adoption of rules.

5104.011 Adoption of rules.

(A) The director of job and family services shall adopt rules pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code governing the operation of child day-care centers, including, but not limited to, parent cooperative centers, part-time centers, drop-in centers, and school child centers, which rules shall reflect the various forms of child care and the needs of children receiving child care or publicly funded child care and shall include specific rules for school child care centers that are developed in consultation with the department of education. The rules shall not require an existing school facility that is in compliance with applicable building codes to undergo an additional building code inspection or to have structural modifications. The rules shall include the following:

(1) Submission of a site plan and descriptive plan of operation to demonstrate how the center proposes to meet the requirements of this chapter and rules adopted pursuant to this chapter for the initial license application;

(2) Standards for ensuring that the physical surroundings of the center are safe and sanitary including, but not limited to, the physical environment, the physical plant, and the equipment of the center;

(3) Standards for the supervision, care, and discipline of children receiving child care or publicly funded child care in the center;

(4) Standards for a program of activities, and for play equipment, materials, and supplies, to enhance the development of each child; however, any educational curricula, philosophies, and methodologies that are developmentally appropriate and that enhance the social, emotional, intellectual, and physical development of each child shall be permissible. As used in this division, “program” does not include instruction in religious or moral doctrines, beliefs, or values that is conducted at child day-care centers owned and operated by churches and does include methods of disciplining children at child day-care centers.

(5) Admissions policies and procedures, health care policies and procedures, including, but not limited to, procedures for the isolation of children with communicable diseases, first aid and emergency procedures, procedures for discipline and supervision of children, standards for the provision of nutritious meals and snacks, and procedures for screening children and employees, including, but not limited to, any necessary physical examinations and immunizations;

(6) Methods for encouraging parental participation in the center and methods for ensuring that the rights of children, parents, and employees are protected and that responsibilities of parents and employees are met;

(7) Procedures for ensuring the safety and adequate supervision of children traveling off the premises of the center while under the care of a center employee;

(8) Procedures for record keeping, organization, and administration;

(9) Procedures for issuing, renewing, denying, and revoking a license that are not otherwise provided for in Chapter 119. of the Revised Code;

(10) Inspection procedures;

(11) Procedures and standards for setting initial and renewal license application fees;

(12) Procedures for receiving, recording, and responding to complaints about centers;

(13) Procedures for enforcing section 5104.04 of the Revised Code;

(14) A standard requiring the inclusion, on and after July 1, 1987, of a current department of job and family services toll-free telephone number on each center provisional license or license which any person may use to report a suspected violation by the center of this chapter or rules adopted pursuant to this chapter;

(15) Requirements for the training of administrators and child-care staff members in first aid, in prevention, recognition, and management of communicable diseases, and in child abuse recognition and prevention. Training requirements for child day-care centers adopted under this division shall be consistent with divisions (B)(6) and (C)(1) of this section.

(16) Procedures to be used by licensees for checking the references of potential employees of centers and procedures to be used by the director for checking the references of applicants for licenses to operate centers;

(17) Standards providing for the special needs of children who are handicapped or who require treatment for health conditions while the child is receiving child care or publicly funded child care in the center;

(18) A procedure for reporting of injuries of children that occur at the center;

(19) Any other procedures and standards necessary to carry out this chapter.

(B)(1) The child day-care center shall have, for each child for whom the center is licensed, at least thirty-five square feet of usable indoor floor space wall-to-wall regularly available for the child care operation exclusive of any parts of the structure in which the care of children is prohibited by law or by rules adopted by the board of building standards. The minimum of thirty-five square feet of usable indoor floor space shall not include hallways, kitchens, storage areas, or any other areas that are not available for the care of children, as determined by the director, in meeting the space requirement of this division, and bathrooms shall be counted in determining square footage only if they are used exclusively by children enrolled in the center, except that the exclusion of hallways, kitchens, storage areas, bathrooms not used exclusively by children enrolled in the center, and any other areas not available for the care of children from the minimum of thirty-five square feet of usable indoor floor space shall not apply to:

(a) Centers licensed prior to or on September 1, 1986, that continue under licensure after that date;

(b) Centers licensed prior to or on September 1, 1986, that are issued a new license after that date solely due to a change of ownership of the center.

(2) The child day-care center shall have on the site a safe outdoor play space which is enclosed by a fence or otherwise protected from traffic or other hazards. The play space shall contain not less than sixty square feet per child using such space at any one time, and shall provide an opportunity for supervised outdoor play each day in suitable weather. The director may exempt a center from the requirement of this division, if an outdoor play space is not available and if all of the following are met:

(a) The center provides an indoor recreation area that has not less than sixty square feet per child using the space at any one time, that has a minimum of one thousand four hundred forty square feet of space, and that is separate from the indoor space required under division (B)(1) of this section.

(b) The director has determined that there is regularly available and scheduled for use a conveniently accessible and safe park, playground, or similar outdoor play area for play or recreation.

(c) The children are closely supervised during play and while traveling to and from the area.

The director also shall exempt from the requirement of this division a child day-care center that was licensed prior to September 1, 1986, if the center received approval from the director prior to September 1, 1986, to use a park, playground, or similar area, not connected with the center, for play or recreation in lieu of the outdoor space requirements of this section and if the children are closely supervised both during play and while traveling to and from the area and except if the director determines upon investigation and inspection pursuant to section 5104.04 of the Revised Code and rules adopted pursuant to that section that the park, playground, or similar area, as well as access to and from the area, is unsafe for the children.

(3) The child day-care center shall have at least two responsible adults available on the premises at all times when seven or more children are in the center. The center shall organize the children in the center in small groups, shall provide child-care staff to give continuity of care and supervision to the children on a day-by-day basis, and shall ensure that no child is left alone or unsupervised. Except as otherwise provided in division (E) of this section, the maximum number of children per child-care staff member and maximum group size, by age category of children, are as follows:

Age Category of Children Maximum Number of Children Per Child-Care Staff Member Maximum Group Size

(a) Infants:

(i) Less than twelve months old 5:1, or 12:2 if two child-care staff members are in the room 12

(ii) At least twelve months old, but less than eighteen months old 6:1 12

(b) Toddlers:

(i) At least eighteen months old, but less than thirty months old 7:1 14

(ii) At least thirty months old, but less than three years old 8:1 16

(c) Preschool children:

(i) Three years old 12:1 24

(ii) Four years old and five years old who are not school children 14:1 28

(d) School children:

(i) A child who is enrolled in or is eligible to be enrolled in a grade of kindergarten or above, but is less than eleven years old 18:1 36

(ii) Eleven through fourteen years old 20:1 40

Except as otherwise provided in division (E) of this section, the maximum number of children per child-care staff member and maximum group size requirements of the younger age group shall apply when age groups are combined.

(4)(a) The child day-care center administrator shall show the director both of the following:

(i) Evidence of at least high school graduation or certification of high school equivalency by the state board of education or the appropriate agency of another state;

(ii) Evidence of having completed at least two years of training in an accredited college, university, or technical college, including courses in child development or early childhood education, or at least two years of experience in supervising and giving daily care to children attending an organized group program.

(b) In addition to the requirements of division (B)(4)(a) of this section, any administrator employed or designated on or after September 1, 1986, shall show evidence of, and any administrator employed or designated prior to September 1, 1986, shall show evidence within six years after such date of, at least one of the following:

(i) Two years of experience working as a child-care staff member in a center and at least four courses in child development or early childhood education from an accredited college, university, or technical college, except that a person who has two years of experience working as a child-care staff member in a particular center and who has been promoted to or designated as administrator of that center shall have one year from the time the person was promoted to or designated as administrator to complete the required four courses;

(ii) Two years of training, including at least four courses in child development or early childhood education from an accredited college, university, or technical college;

(iii) A child development associate credential issued by the national child development associate credentialing commission;

(iv) An associate or higher degree in child development or early childhood education from an accredited college, technical college, or university, or a license designated for teaching in an associate teaching position in a preschool setting issued by the state board of education.

(5) All child-care staff members of a child day-care center shall be at least eighteen years of age, and shall furnish the director evidence of at least high school graduation or certification of high school equivalency by the state board of education or the appropriate agency of another state or evidence of completion of a training program approved by the department of job and family services or state board of education, except as follows:

(a) A child-care staff member may be less than eighteen years of age if the staff member is either of the following:

(i) A graduate of a two-year vocational child-care training program approved by the state board of education;

(ii) A student enrolled in the second year of a vocational child-care training program approved by the state board of education which leads to high school graduation, provided that the student performs the student’s duties in the child day-care center under the continuous supervision of an experienced child-care staff member, receives periodic supervision from the vocational child-care training program teacher-coordinator in the student’s high school, and meets all other requirements of this chapter and rules adopted pursuant to this chapter.

(b) A child-care staff member shall be exempt from the educational requirements of this division if the staff member:

(i) Prior to January 1, 1972, was employed or designated by a child day-care center and has been continuously employed since either by the same child day-care center employer or at the same child day-care center; or

(ii) Is a student enrolled in the second year of a vocational child-care training program approved by the state board of education which leads to high school graduation, provided that the student performs the student’s duties in the child day-care center under the continuous supervision of an experienced child-care staff member, receives periodic supervision from the vocational child-care training program teacher-coordinator in the student’s high school, and meets all other requirements of this chapter and rules adopted pursuant to this chapter.

(6) Every child care staff member of a child day-care center annually shall complete fifteen hours of inservice training in child development or early childhood education, child abuse recognition and prevention, first aid, and in prevention, recognition, and management of communicable diseases, until a total of forty-five hours of training has been completed, unless the staff member furnishes one of the following to the director:

(a) Evidence of an associate or higher degree in child development or early childhood education from an accredited college, university, or technical college;

(b) A license designated for teaching in an associate teaching position in a preschool setting issued by the state board of education;

(c) Evidence of a child development associate credential;

(d) Evidence of a preprimary credential from the American Montessori society or the association Montessori internationale. For the purposes of division (B)(6) of this section, “hour” means sixty minutes.

(7) The administrator of each child day-care center shall prepare at least once annually and for each group of children at the center a roster of names and telephone numbers of parents, custodians, or guardians of each group of children attending the center and upon request shall furnish the roster for each group to the parents, custodians, or guardians of the children in that group. The administrator may prepare a roster of names and telephone numbers of all parents, custodians, or guardians of children attending the center and upon request shall furnish the roster to the parents, custodians, or guardians of the children who attend the center. The administrator shall not include in any roster the name or telephone number of any parent, custodian, or guardian who requests the administrator not to include the parent’s, custodian’s, or guardian’s name or number and shall not furnish any roster to any person other than a parent, custodian, or guardian of a child who attends the center.

(C)(1) Each child day-care center shall have on the center premises and readily available at all times at least one child-care staff member who has completed a course in first aid and in prevention, recognition, and management of communicable diseases which is approved by the state department of health and a staff member who has completed a course in child abuse recognition and prevention training which is approved by the department of job and family services.

(2) The administrator of each child day-care center shall maintain enrollment, health, and attendance records for all children attending the center and health and employment records for all center employees. The records shall be confidential, except as otherwise provided in division (B)(7) of this section and except that they shall be disclosed by the administrator to the director upon request for the purpose of administering and enforcing this chapter and rules adopted pursuant to this chapter. Neither the center nor the licensee, administrator, or employees of the center shall be civilly or criminally liable in damages or otherwise for records disclosed to the director by the administrator pursuant to this division. It shall be a defense to any civil or criminal charge based upon records disclosed by the administrator to the director that the records were disclosed pursuant to this division.

(3)(a) Any parent who is the residential parent and legal custodian of a child enrolled in a child day-care center and any custodian or guardian of such a child shall be permitted unlimited access to the center during its hours of operation for the purposes of contacting their children, evaluating the care provided by the center, evaluating the premises of the center, or for other purposes approved by the director. A parent of a child enrolled in a child day-care center who is not the child’s residential parent shall be permitted unlimited access to the center during its hours of operation for those purposes under the same terms and conditions under which the residential parent of that child is permitted access to the center for those purposes. However, the access of the parent who is not the residential parent is subject to any agreement between the parents and, to the extent described in division (C)(3)(b) of this section, is subject to any terms and conditions limiting the right of access of the parent who is not the residential parent, as described in division (I) of section 3109.051 of the Revised Code, that are contained in a parenting time order or decree issued under that section, section 3109.12 of the Revised Code, or any other provision of the Revised Code.

(b) If a parent who is the residential parent of a child has presented the administrator or the administrator’s designee with a copy of a parenting time order that limits the terms and conditions under which the parent who is not the residential parent is to have access to the center, as described in division (I) of section 3109.051 of the Revised Code, the parent who is not the residential parent shall be provided access to the center only to the extent authorized in the order. If the residential parent has presented such an order, the parent who is not the residential parent shall be permitted access to the center only in accordance with the most recent order that has been presented to the administrator or the administrator’s designee by the residential parent or the parent who is not the residential parent.

(c) Upon entering the premises pursuant to division (C)(3)(a) or (b) of this section, the parent who is the residential parent and legal custodian, the parent who is not the residential parent, or the custodian or guardian shall notify the administrator or the administrator’s designee of the parent’s, custodian’s, or guardian’s presence.

(D) The director of job and family services, in addition to the rules adopted under division (A) of this section, shall adopt rules establishing minimum requirements for child day-care centers. The rules shall include, but not be limited to, the requirements set forth in divisions (B) and (C) of this section. Except as provided in section 5104.07 of the Revised Code, the rules shall not change the square footage requirements of division (B)(1) or (2) of this section; the maximum number of children per child-care staff member and maximum group size requirements of division (B)(3) of this section; the educational and experience requirements of division (B)(4) of this section; the age, educational, and experience requirements of division (B)(5) of this section; the number of inservice training hours required under division (B)(6) of this section; or the requirement for at least annual preparation of a roster for each group of children of names and telephone numbers of parents, custodians, or guardians of each group of children attending the center that must be furnished upon request to any parent, custodian, or guardian of any child in that group required under division (B)(7) of this section; however, the rules shall provide procedures for determining compliance with those requirements.

(E)(1) When age groups are combined, the maximum number of children per child-care staff member shall be determined by the age of the youngest child in the group, except that when no more than one child thirty months of age or older receives services in a group in which all the other children are in the next older age group, the maximum number of children per child-care staff member and maximum group size requirements of the older age group established under division (B)(3) of this section shall apply.

(2) The maximum number of toddlers or preschool children per child-care staff member in a room where children are napping shall be twice the maximum number of children per child-care staff member established under division (B)(3) of this section if all the following criteria are met:

(a) At least one child-care staff member is present in the room.

(b) Sufficient child-care staff members are on the child day-care center premises to meet the maximum number of children per child-care staff member requirements established under division (B)(3) of this section.

(c) Naptime preparations are complete and all napping children are resting or sleeping on cots.

(d) The maximum number established under division (E)(2) of this section is in effect for no more than one and one-half hours during a twenty-four-hour day.

(F) The director of job and family services shall adopt rules pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code governing the operation of type A family day-care homes, including, but not limited to, parent cooperative type A homes, part-time type A homes, drop-in type A homes, and school child type A homes, which shall reflect the various forms of child care and the needs of children receiving child care. The rules shall include the following:

(1) Submission of a site plan and descriptive plan of operation to demonstrate how the type A home proposes to meet the requirements of this chapter and rules adopted pursuant to this chapter for the initial license application;

(2) Standards for ensuring that the physical surroundings of the type A home are safe and sanitary, including, but not limited to, the physical environment, the physical plant, and the equipment of the type A home;

(3) Standards for the supervision, care, and discipline of children receiving child care or publicly funded child care in the type A home;

(4) Standards for a program of activities, and for play equipment, materials, and supplies, to enhance the development of each child; however, any educational curricula, philosophies, and methodologies that are developmentally appropriate and that enhance the social, emotional, intellectual, and physical development of each child shall be permissible;

(5) Admissions policies and procedures, health care policies and procedures, including, but not limited to, procedures for the isolation of children with communicable diseases, first aid and emergency procedures, procedures for discipline and supervision of children, standards for the provision of nutritious meals and snacks, and procedures for screening children and employees, including, but not limited to, any necessary physical examinations and immunizations;

(6) Methods for encouraging parental participation in the type A home and methods for ensuring that the rights of children, parents, and employees are protected and that the responsibilities of parents and employees are met;

(7) Procedures for ensuring the safety and adequate supervision of children traveling off the premises of the type A home while under the care of a type A home employee;

(8) Procedures for record keeping, organization, and administration;

(9) Procedures for issuing, renewing, denying, and revoking a license that are not otherwise provided for in Chapter 119. of the Revised Code;

(10) Inspection procedures;

(11) Procedures and standards for setting initial and renewal license application fees;

(12) Procedures for receiving, recording, and responding to complaints about type A homes;

(13) Procedures for enforcing section 5104.04 of the Revised Code;

(14) A standard requiring the inclusion, on or after July 1, 1987, of a current department of job and family services toll-free telephone number on each type A home provisional license or license which any person may use to report a suspected violation by the type A home of this chapter or rules adopted pursuant this chapter;

(15) Requirements for the training of administrators and child-care staff members in first aid, in prevention, recognition, and management of communicable diseases, and in child abuse recognition and prevention;

(16) Procedures to be used by licensees for checking the references of potential employees of type A homes and procedures to be used by the director for checking the references of applicants for licenses to operate type A homes;

(17) Standards providing for the special needs of children who are handicapped or who require treatment for health conditions while the child is receiving child care or publicly funded child care in the type A home;

(18) Standards for the maximum number of children per child-care staff member;

(19) Requirements for the amount of usable indoor floor space for each child;

(20) Requirements for safe outdoor play space;

(21) Qualifications and training requirements for administrators and for child-care staff members;

(22) Procedures for granting a parent who is the residential parent and legal custodian, or a custodian or guardian access to the type A home during its hours of operation;

(23) Standards for the preparation and distribution of a roster of parents, custodians, and guardians;

(24) Any other procedures and standards necessary to carry out this chapter.

(G) The director of job and family services shall adopt rules pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code governing the certification of type B family day-care homes.

(1) The rules shall include all of the following:

(a) Procedures, standards, and other necessary provisions for granting limited certification to type B family day-care homes that are operated by the following adult providers:

(i) Persons who provide child care for eligible children who are great-grandchildren, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, or siblings of the provider or for eligible children whose caretaker parent is a grandchild, child, niece, nephew, or sibling of the provider;

(ii) Persons who provide child care for eligible children all of whom are the children of the same caretaker parent;

(b) Procedures for the director to ensure, that type B homes that receive a limited certification provide child care to children in a safe and sanitary manner;

(c) Requirements for the type B home to notify parents with children in the type B home that the type B home is also certified as a foster home under section 5103.03 of the Revised Code.

With regard to providers who apply for limited certification, a provider shall be granted a provisional limited certification on signing a declaration under oath attesting that the provider meets the standards for limited certification. Such provisional limited certifications shall remain in effect for no more than sixty calendar days and shall entitle the provider to offer publicly funded child care during the provisional period. Except as otherwise provided in division (G)(1) of this section, section 5104.013 or 5104.09 of the Revised Code, or division (A)(2) of section 5104.11 of the Revised Code, prior to the expiration of the provisional limited certificate, a county department of job and family services shall inspect the home and shall grant limited certification to the provider if the provider meets the requirements of this division. Limited certificates remain valid for two years unless earlier revoked. Except as otherwise provided in division (G)(1) of this section, providers operating under limited certification shall be inspected annually.

If a provider is a person described in division (G)(1)(a)(i) of this section or a person described in division (G)(1)(a)(ii) of this section who is a friend of the caretaker parent, the provider and the caretaker parent may verify in writing to the county department of job and family services that minimum health and safety requirements are being met in the home. Except as otherwise provided in section 5104.013 or 5104.09 or in division (A)(2) of section 5104.11 of the Revised Code, if such verification is provided, the county shall waive any inspection required by this chapter and grant limited certification to the provider.

(2) The rules shall provide for safeguarding the health, safety, and welfare of children receiving child care or publicly funded child care in a certified type B home and shall include the following:

(a) Standards for ensuring that the type B home and the physical surroundings of the type B home are safe and sanitary, including, but not limited to, physical environment, physical plant, and equipment;

(b) Standards for the supervision, care, and discipline of children receiving child care or publicly funded child care in the home;

(c) Standards for a program of activities, and for play equipment, materials, and supplies to enhance the development of each child; however, any educational curricula, philosophies, and methodologies that are developmentally appropriate and that enhance the social, emotional, intellectual, and physical development of each child shall be permissible;

(d) Admission policies and procedures, health care, first aid and emergency procedures, procedures for the care of sick children, procedures for discipline and supervision of children, nutritional standards, and procedures for screening children and authorized providers, including, but not limited to, any necessary physical examinations and immunizations;

(e) Methods of encouraging parental participation and ensuring that the rights of children, parents, and authorized providers are protected and the responsibilities of parents and authorized providers are met;

(f) Standards for the safe transport of children when under the care of authorized providers;

(g) Procedures for issuing, renewing, denying, refusing to renew, or revoking certificates;

(h) Procedures for the inspection of type B homes that require, at a minimum, that each type B home be inspected prior to certification to ensure that the home is safe and sanitary;

(i) Procedures for record keeping and evaluation;

(j) Procedures for receiving, recording, and responding to complaints;

(k) Standards providing for the special needs of children who are handicapped or who receive treatment for health conditions while the child is receiving child care or publicly funded child care in the type B home;

(l) Requirements for the amount of usable indoor floor space for each child;

(m) Requirements for safe outdoor play space;

(n) Qualification and training requirements for authorized providers;

(o) Procedures for granting a parent who is the residential parent and legal custodian, or a custodian or guardian access to the type B home during its hours of operation;

(p) Requirements for the type B home to notify parents with children in the type B home that the type B home is also certified as a foster home under section 5103.03 of the Revised Code;

(q) Any other procedures and standards necessary to carry out this chapter.

(H) The director shall adopt rules pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code governing the certification of in-home aides. The rules shall include procedures, standards, and other necessary provisions for granting limited certification to in-home aides who provide child care for eligible children who are great-grandchildren, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, or siblings of the in-home aide or for eligible children whose caretaker parent is a grandchild, child, niece, nephew, or sibling of the in-home aide. The rules shall require, and shall include procedures for the director to ensure, that in-home aides that receive a limited certification provide child care to children in a safe and sanitary manner. The rules shall provide for safeguarding the health, safety, and welfare of children receiving publicly funded child care in their own home and shall include the following:

(1) Standards for ensuring that the child’s home and the physical surroundings of the child’s home are safe and sanitary, including, but not limited to, physical environment, physical plant, and equipment;

(2) Standards for the supervision, care, and discipline of children receiving publicly funded child care in their own home;

(3) Standards for a program of activities, and for play equipment, materials, and supplies to enhance the development of each child; however, any educational curricula, philosophies, and methodologies that are developmentally appropriate and that enhance the social, emotional, intellectual, and physical development of each child shall be permissible;

(4) Health care, first aid, and emergency procedures, procedures for the care of sick children, procedures for discipline and supervision of children, nutritional standards, and procedures for screening children and in-home aides, including, but not limited to, any necessary physical examinations and immunizations;

(5) Methods of encouraging parental participation and ensuring that the rights of children, parents, and in-home aides are protected and the responsibilities of parents and in-home aides are met;

(6) Standards for the safe transport of children when under the care of in-home aides;

(7) Procedures for issuing, renewing, denying, refusing to renew, or revoking certificates;

(8) Procedures for inspection of homes of children receiving publicly funded child care in their own homes;

(9) Procedures for record keeping and evaluation;

(10) Procedures for receiving, recording, and responding to complaints;

(11) Qualifications and training requirements for in-home aides;

(12) Standards providing for the special needs of children who are handicapped or who receive treatment for health conditions while the child is receiving publicly funded child care in the child’s own home;

(13) Any other procedures and standards necessary to carry out this chapter.

(I) To the extent that any rules adopted for the purposes of this section require a health care professional to perform a physical examination, the rules shall include as a health care professional a physician assistant, a clinical nurse specialist, a certified nurse practitioner, or a certified nurse-midwife.

(J)(1) The director of job and family services shall do all of the following:

(a) Provide or make available in either paper or electronic form to each licensee notice of proposed rules governing the licensure of child day-care centers and type A homes;

(b) Give public notice of hearings regarding the rules to each licensee at least thirty days prior to the date of the public hearing, in accordance with section 119.03 of the Revised Code;

(c) At least thirty days before the effective date of a rule, provide, in either paper or electronic form, a copy of the adopted rule to each licensee.

(2) The director shall do all of the following:

(a) Send to each county director of job and family services a notice of proposed rules governing the certification of type B family homes and in-home aides that includes an internet web site address where the proposed rules can be viewed;

(b) Give public notice of hearings regarding the proposed rules not less than thirty days in advance;

(c) Provide to each county director of job and family services an electronic copy of each adopted rule at least forty-five days prior to the rule’s effective date.

(3) The county director of job and family services shall provide or make available in either paper or electronic form to each authorized provider and in-home aide copies of proposed rules and shall give public notice of hearings regarding the rules to each authorized provider and in-home aide at least thirty days prior to the date of the public hearing, in accordance with section 119.03 of the Revised Code. At least thirty days before the effective date of a rule, the county director of job and family services shall provide, in either paper or electronic form, copies of the adopted rule to each authorized provider and in-home aide.

(4) Additional copies of proposed and adopted rules shall be made available by the director of job and family services to the public on request at no charge.

(5) The director of job and family services shall recommend standards for imposing sanctions on persons and entities that are licensed or certified under this chapter and that violate any provision of this chapter. The standards shall be based on the scope and severity of the violations. The director shall provide copies of the recommendations to the governor, the speaker and minority leader of the house of representatives, and the president and minority leader of the senate and, on request, shall make copies available to the public.

(6) The director of job and family services shall adopt rules pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code that establish standards for the training of individuals whom any county department of job and family services employs, with whom any county department of job and family services contracts, or with whom the director of job and family services contracts, to inspect or investigate type B family day-care homes pursuant to section 5104.11 of the Revised Code. The department shall provide training in accordance with those standards for individuals in the categories described in this division.

(K) The director of job and family services shall review all rules adopted pursuant to this chapter at least once every seven years.

(L) Notwithstanding any provision of the Revised Code, the director of job and family services shall not regulate in any way under this chapter or rules adopted pursuant to this chapter, instruction in religious or moral doctrines, beliefs, or values.

Effective Date: 09-26-2003; 05-18-2005; 2008 SB163 08-14-2008

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    > Ohio Department of Transporation
    > Ohio DMV
    > Ohio Secretary of State Business Name Search

Ohio Court Map
