The department of job and family services shall certify amounts due under the medicaid estate recovery program instituted under section 5111.11 of the Revised Code to the attorney general pursuant to section 131.02 of the Revised Code. The attorney general may enter into a contract with any person or government entity to collect the amounts due on behalf of the attorney general.
The attorney general, in entering into a contract under this section, shall comply with all of the requirements that must be met for the state to receive federal financial participation for the costs incurred in entering into the contract and carrying out actions under the contract. The contract may provide for the person or government entity with which the attorney general contracts to be compensated from the property recovered under the medicaid estate recovery program or may provide for another manner of compensation agreed to by the parties to the contract.
Regardless of whether the attorney general collects the amounts due under the medicaid estate recovery program or contracts with a person or government entity to collect the amounts due on behalf of the attorney general, the amounts due shall be collected in accordance with applicable requirements of federal statutes and regulations and state statutes and rules.
Effective Date: 06-30-2005; 2007 HB119 09-29-2007