(A) The department of job and family services shall pay a provider for each of the provider’s eligible intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded a per resident per day rate for direct care costs established prospectively for each facility. The department shall establish each facility’s rate for direct care costs quarterly.
(B) Each facility’s rate for direct care costs shall be based on the facility’s cost per case-mix unit, subject to the maximum costs per case-mix unit established under division (B)(2) of this section, from the calendar year preceding the fiscal year in which the rate is paid. To determine the rate, the department shall do all of the following:
(1) Determine each facility’s cost per case-mix unit for the calendar year preceding the fiscal year in which the rate will be paid by dividing the facility’s desk-reviewed, actual, allowable, per diem direct care costs for that year by its average case-mix score determined under section 5111.232 of the Revised Code for the same calendar year.
(2)(a) Set the maximum cost per case-mix unit for each peer group of intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded with more than eight beds specified in rules adopted under division (E) of this section at a percentage above the cost per case-mix unit of the facility in the group that has the group’s median medicaid inpatient day for the calendar year preceding the fiscal year in which the rate will be paid, as calculated under division (B)(1) of this section, that is no less than the percentage calculated under division (D)(2) of this section.
(b) Set the maximum cost per case-mix unit for each peer group of intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded with eight or fewer beds specified in rules adopted under division (E) of this section at a percentage above the cost per case-mix unit of the facility in the group that has the group’s median medicaid inpatient day for the calendar year preceding the fiscal year in which the rate will be paid, as calculated under division (B)(1) of this section, that is no less than the percentage calculated under division (D)(3) of this section.
(c) In calculating the maximum cost per case-mix unit under divisions (B)(2)(a) to (b) of this section for each peer group, the department shall exclude from its calculations the cost per case-mix unit of any facility in the group that participated in the medicaid program under the same operator for less than twelve months during the calendar year preceding the fiscal year in which the rate will be paid.
(3) Estimate the rate of inflation for the eighteen-month period beginning on the first day of July of the calendar year preceding the fiscal year in which the rate will be paid and ending on the thirty-first day of December of the fiscal year in which the rate will be paid, using the employment cost index for total compensation, health services component, published by the United States bureau of labor statistics. If the estimated inflation rate for the eighteen-month period is different from the actual inflation rate for that period, as measured using the same index, the difference shall be added to or subtracted from the inflation rate estimated under division (B)(3) of this section for the following fiscal year.
(4) The department shall not recalculate a maximum cost per case-mix unit under division (B)(2) of this section or a percentage under division (D) of this section based on additional information that it receives after the maximum costs per case-mix unit or percentages are set. The department shall recalculate a maximum cost per case-mix units or percentage only if it made an error in computing the maximum cost per case-mix unit or percentage based on information available at the time of the original calculation.
(C) Each facility’s rate for direct care costs shall be determined as follows for each calendar quarter within a fiscal year:
(1) Multiply the lesser of the following by the facility’s average case-mix score determined under section 5111.232 of the Revised Code for the calendar quarter that preceded the immediately preceding calendar quarter:
(a) The facility’s cost per case-mix unit for the calendar year preceding the fiscal year in which the rate will be paid, as determined under division (B)(1) of this section;
(b) The maximum cost per case-mix unit established for the fiscal year in which the rate will be paid for the facility’s peer group under division (B)(2) of this section;
(2) Adjust the product determined under division (C)(1) of this section by the inflation rate estimated under division (B)(3) of this section.
(D)(1) The department shall calculate the percentage above the median cost per case-mix unit determined under division (B)(1) of this section for the facility that has the median medicaid inpatient day for calendar year 1992 for all intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded with more than eight beds that would result in payment of all desk-reviewed, actual, allowable direct care costs for eighty and one-half per cent of the medicaid inpatient days for such facilities for calendar year 1992.
(2) The department shall calculate the percentage above the median cost per case-mix unit determined under division (B)(1) of this section for the facility that has the median medicaid inpatient day for calendar year 1992 for all intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded with eight or fewer beds that would result in payment of all desk-reviewed, actual, allowable direct care costs for eighty and one-half per cent of the medicaid inpatient days for such facilities for calendar year 1992.
(E) The director of job and family services shall adopt rules under section 5111.02 of the Revised Code that specify peer groups of intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded with more than eight beds and intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded with eight or fewer beds, based on findings of significant per diem direct care cost differences due to geography and facility bed-size. The rules also may specify peer groups based on findings of significant per diem direct care cost differences due to other factors which may include case-mix.
(F) The department, in accordance with division (D) of section 5111.232 of the Revised Code and rules adopted under division (E) of that section, may assign case-mix scores or costs per case-mix unit if a provider fails to submit assessment data necessary to calculate an intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded’s case-mix score in accordance with that section.
Effective Date: 07-01-2000; 07-01-2005