If the department of health cites a deficiency, or cluster of deficiencies, that was not substantially corrected before a survey and constitutes a severity level three and scope level three or four finding, the department of job and family services or a contracting agency may, subject to sections 5111.55 and 5111.56 of the Revised Code, impose one or more of the following remedies:
(A) Do either of the following:
(1) Issue an order denying payment to the facility under the medical assistance program for all medicaid eligible residents admitted after the effective date of the order;
(2) Impose a fine.
(B) Issue an order denying payment to the facility under the medical assistance program for medicaid eligible residents admitted after the effective date of the order who have certain diagnoses or special care needs specified by the department or agency;
(C) Issue an order requiring the facility to correct the deficiency or cluster of deficiencies under the plan of correction submitted by the facility and approved by the department of health under section 5111.43 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 07-01-2000