(A) As used in sections 5111.89 to 5111.894 of the Revised Code:
“Area agency on aging” has the same meaning as in section 173.14 of the Revised Code.
“Assisted living program” means the program created under this section .
“Assisted living services” means the following home and community-based services: personal care, homemaker, chore, attendant care, companion, medication oversight, and therapeutic social and recreational programming.
“County or district home” means a county or district home operated under Chapter 5155. of the Revised Code.
“Long-term care consultation program” means the program the department of aging is required to develop under section 173.42 of the Revised Code.
“Long-term care consultation program administrator” or “administrator” means the department of aging or, if the department contracts with an area agency on aging or other entity to administer the long-term care consultation program for a particular area, that agency or entity.
“Medicaid waiver component” has the same meaning as in section 5111.85 of the Revised Code.
“Nursing facility” has the same meaning as in section 5111.20 of the Revised Code.
“Residential care facility” has the same meaning as in section 3721.01 of the Revised Code.
“State administrative agency” means the department of job and family services if the department of job and family services administers the assisted living program or the department of aging if the department of aging administers the assisted living program.
(B) There is hereby created the assisted living program. The program shall provide assisted living services to individuals who meet the program’s eligibility requirements established under section 5111.891 of the Revised Code. The program may not serve more individuals than the number that is set by the United States secretary of health and human services when the medicaid waiver authorizing the program is approved. The program shall be operated as a separate medicaid waiver component until the United States secretary approves the consolidated federal medicaid waiver sought under section 5111.861 of the Revised Code. The program shall be part of the consolidated federal medicaid waiver sought under that section if the United States secretary approves the waiver.
If the director of budget and management approves the contract, the department of job and family services shall enter into a contract with the department of aging under section 5111.91 of the Revised Code that provides for the department of aging to administer the assisted living program. The contract shall include an estimate of the program’s costs.
The director of job and family services may adopt rules under section 5111.85 of the Revised Code regarding the assisted living program. The director of aging may adopt rules under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code regarding the program that the rules adopted by the director of job and family services authorize the director of aging to adopt.
Amended by 128th General Assembly File No. 9, HB 1, § 101.01, eff. 10/16/2009.
Effective Date: 10-01-2005; 2007 HB119 07-01-2007; 2008 HB420 12-31-2008