(A) An intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded may appeal the franchise permit fee imposed under section 5112.31 of the Revised Code solely on the grounds that the department of job and family services committed a material error in determining the amount of the fee. A request for an appeal must be received by the department not later than fifteen days after the date the department mails the notice of the fee and must include written materials setting forth the basis for the appeal.
(B) If an intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded submits a request for an appeal within the time required under division (A) of this section, the department shall hold a public hearing in Columbus not later than thirty days after the date the department receives the request for an appeal. The department shall, not later than ten days before the date of the hearing, mail a notice of the date, time, and place of the hearing to the facility. The department may hear all requested appeals in one public hearing.
(C) On the basis of the evidence presented at the hearing or any other evidence submitted by the intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded, the department may adjust a fee. The department’s decision is final.
Effective Date: 07-01-2000