It is the policy of this state, and of the department of mental health, to operate state hospital inpatient services and other community-based services, in order to provide for a full range of services for persons in need of mental health services. In providing services, the department may deploy its staff in community settings and locations other than public hospitals. All such services shall be provided in a manner which ensures persons in need of care access to the least restrictive alternative that is available, appropriate, and culturally relevant to their needs. This chapter shall be construed to attain such purposes.
When a former state hospital mental health employee who has been deployed by the department to provide mental health services in a community setting or location other than a public hospital leaves the position or retires, the position shall cease to exist, unless the department and the employer at the community setting or location agree to continuation of the position.
Each year, the department shall submit to the committees of the house of representatives and senate that work with issues of finance and appropriations a report that provides the following information about the previous year:
(A) The number of positions at a community setting or location other than a public hospital filled by a former state hospital mental health employee that ceased to exist pursuant to this section;
(B) The number of times an employer at such a community setting or location requested that such a position continue;
(C) The number of times the department agreed to, and the number of times the department refused, a request to continue the position.
Effective Date: 06-30-1997