(A) There is hereby created, in the state treasury, the services and agricultural fund, which shall be used for the:
(1) Purchase of material, supplies, and equipment and the erection and extension of buildings used in service industries and agriculture;
(2) Purchase of lands and buildings necessary to carry on or extend the service industries and agriculture, upon the approval of the governor;
(3) Payment of compensation to employees necessary to carry on the service industries and agriculture;
(4) Payment of prisoners confined in state correctional institutions a portion of their earnings in accordance with rules adopted pursuant to section 5145.03 of the Revised Code.
(B) There is hereby created, in the state treasury, the Ohio penal industries manufacturing fund, which shall be used for the:
(1) Purchase of material, supplies, and equipment and the erection and extension of buildings used in manufacturing industries;
(2) Purchase of lands and buildings necessary to carry on or extend the manufacturing industries upon the approval of the governor;
(3) Payment of compensation to employees necessary to carry on the manufacturing industries;
(4) Payment of prisoners confined in state correctional institutions a portion of their earnings in accordance with rules adopted pursuant to section 5145.03 of the Revised Code.
(C) The department of rehabilitation and correction shall, in accordance with rules adopted pursuant to section 5145.03 of the Revised Code and subject to any pledge made as provided in division (D) of this section, place to the credit of each prisoner his earnings and pay the earnings so credited to the prisoner or his family.
(D) Receipts credited to the funds created in divisions (A) and (B) of this section constitute available receipts as defined in section 152.09 of the Revised Code, and may be pledged to the payment of bond service charges on obligations issued by the Ohio building authority pursuant to Chapter 152. of the Revised Code to construct, reconstruct, or otherwise improve capital facilities useful to the department. The authority may, with the consent of the department, provide in the bond proceedings for a pledge of all or such portion of receipts credited to the funds as the authority determines. The authority may provide in the bond proceedings for the transfer of receipts credited to the funds to the appropriate bond service fund or bond service reserve fund as required to pay the bond service charges when due, and any such provision for the transfer of receipts shall be controlling notwithstanding any other provision of law pertaining to such receipts.
All receipts received by the treasurer of state on account of the department and required by the applicable bond proceedings to be deposited, transferred, or credited to the bond service fund or bond service reserve fund established by such bond proceedings shall be transferred by the treasurer of state to such fund, whether or not such fund is in the custody of the treasurer of state, without necessity for further appropriation, upon receipt of notice from the Ohio building authority as prescribed in the bond proceedings. The authority may covenant in the bond proceedings that so long as any obligations are outstanding to which receipts credited to the fund are pledged, the state and the department shall neither reduce the prices charged pursuant to section 5120.28 of the Revised Code nor the level of manpower collectively devoted to the production of goods and services for which prices are set pursuant to section 5120.28 of the Revised Code, which covenant shall be controlling notwithstanding any other provision of law; provided, that no covenant shall require the general assembly to appropriate money derived from the levying of excises or taxes to purchase such goods and services or to pay rent or bond service charges.
Effective Date: 10-06-1994