As used in this section, “management employee” does not include the superintendent of a county board of developmental disabilities.
(A)(1) Each management employee of a county board of developmental disabilities shall hold a limited contract for a period of not less than one year and not more than five years, except that a management employee hired after the beginning of a program year may be employed under a limited contract expiring at the end of the program year. The board shall approve all contracts of employment for management employees that are for a term of more than one year. A management employee shall receive notice of the superintendent’s intention not to rehire the employee at least ninety days prior to the expiration of the contract. If the superintendent fails to notify a management employee, the employee shall be reemployed under a limited contract of one year at the same salary plus any authorized salary increases.
(2) During the term of a contract a management employee’s salary may be increased, but shall not be reduced unless the reduction is part of a uniform plan affecting all employees of the board.
(B) All management employees may be removed, suspended, or demoted for cause pursuant to section 5126.23 of the Revised Code.
(C) All management employees shall receive employee benefits that shall include sick leave, vacation leave, holiday pay, and such other benefits as are established by the board. Sections 124.38 and 325.19 of the Revised Code do not apply to management employees.
(D) The superintendent of a county board of developmental disabilities shall notify all management employees of the board of their salary no later than thirty days before the first day of the new contract year.
(E) All management employees of a county board of developmental disabilities who were given continuing contract status prior to the effective date of this section have continuing contract status so long as they maintain employment with the board.
(F) All management employees who were probationary employees on the effective date of this section shall, upon completion of their probationary period, be granted continuing contract status if retained in employment.
(G) Each county board of developmental disabilities shall establish a lay-off policy to be followed if it determines a reduction in the number of management employees is necessary.
Amended by 128th General Assembly ch. 7, SB 79, § 1, eff. 10/6/2009.
Effective Date: 03-16-1989