Each PCSA caseworker supervisor shall complete at least sixty hours of in-service training during the first year of the supervisor’s continuous employment as a PCSA caseworker supervisor. The training shall include courses in screening reports of child abuse, neglect, or dependency. After a PCSA caseworker supervisor’s first year of continuous employment as a PCSA caseworker supervisor, the supervisor annually shall complete thirty hours of training in areas relevant to the supervisor’s assigned duties. During the first two years of continuous employment as a PCSA caseworker supervisor, each PCSA caseworker supervisor shall complete at least twelve hours of training in recognizing the signs of domestic violence and its relationship to child abuse as established in rules the director of job and family services shall adopt pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. The twelve hours may be in addition to the training required during the supervisor’s first year of employment or part of the training required during the second year of employment.
Effective Date: 09-21-2006; 2008 HB214 05-14-2008