The board of county commissioners of any county within a children’s home district may, upon the recommendation of the public children services agency, and subject to the approval of the department of job and family services, withdraw from such district and dispose of its interest in such home by selling or leasing its right, title, and interest in the site, buildings, furniture, and equipment to any counties in the district, at such price and on such terms as are agreed upon among the boards of county commissioners of the counties concerned. Section 307.10 of the Revised Code does not apply to this section. The net proceeds of any such sale or lease shall be paid into the county treasury of the withdrawing county.
Members of the board of trustees of a district children’s home who are residents of a county withdrawing from such district are deemed to have resigned their positions upon completion of the withdrawal procedure provided by this section. Vacancies thus created shall be filled according to sections 5153.39 and 5153.45 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 07-01-2000