If the applicant in a land registration case dies between the filing of the application and the final decree thereon, the proceedings shall not abate, but shall be completed in the name of the widow or widower and heirs and devisees of the applicant. If the probate court or the court of common pleas orders the land registered, such court shall order that the certificate issue to such widow or widower and heirs and devisees of the applicant, according to their respective rights and interests, but subject to the right of the creditors of the deceased to have said land sold to pay his debts and subject to the right to contest any will of such deceased applicant. The personal representative of the deceased, the relict, or any of said heirs or devisees may by supplemental petition set up the facts relating to the transmission of the title to said land by reason of the death of the original applicant and cause all necessary new persons to be made parties and properly brought before the court as upon the filing of an application, or by summons or other process as provided by law in civil actions as the court directs.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953