The chief executive of any political subdivision that has not entered into a written agreement establishing either a countywide emergency management agency under section 5502.26 of the Revised Code or a regional authority for emergency management under section 5502.27 of the Revised Code shall establish a program for emergency management within that political subdivision that meets all of the following criteria:
(A) Is in accordance with sections 5502.21 to 5502.51 of the Revised Code, rules adopted under those sections, local ordinances pertaining to emergency management, the “Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act,” 88 Stat. 143, 42 U.S.C. 5121, et. seq., as amended, and all applicable rules and regulations adopted under that act;
(B) Includes, without limitation, development of an all-hazards emergency operations plan that has been coordinated with all agencies, boards, and divisions having emergency management functions within the political subdivision;
(C) Includes the preparation and conduct of an annual exercise of the political subdivision’s all-hazards emergency operations plan;
(D) Is not inconsistent with the program for emergency management established for the county in which the political subdivision is located by a countywide emergency management agency under section 5502.26 of the Revised Code or a regional authority for emergency management under section 5502.27 of the Revised Code.
All agencies, boards, and divisions having emergency management functions within the political subdivision shall cooperate in the development of the all-hazards emergency operations plan and shall cooperate in the preparation and conduct of the annual exercise.
The chief executive shall appoint a director/coordinator of emergency management who shall pursue a professional development training program in accordance with rules adopted under section 5502.25 of the Revised Code. The director/coordinator of emergency management may be an official or employee of the political subdivision, but shall not be the chief executive of the political subdivision.
The director/coordinator shall be responsible for coordinating, organizing, administering, and operating emergency management in accordance with the political subdivision’s program established under this section, subject to the direction and control of the chief executive.
Effective Date: 05-15-2002