(A) The state, any political subdivision, any municipal agency, any emergency management volunteer, another state, or an emergency management agency thereof or of the federal government or of another country or province or subdivision thereof performing emergency management services in this state pursuant to an arrangement, agreement, or compact for mutual aid and assistance, or any agency, member, agent, or representative of any of them, or any individual, partnership, corporation, association, trustee, or receiver, or any of the agents thereof, in good faith carrying out, complying with, or attempting to comply with any state or federal law or any arrangement, agreement, or compact for mutual aid and assistance, or any order issued by federal or state military authorities relating to emergency management, is not liable for any injury to or death of persons or damage to property as the result thereof during training periods, test periods, practice periods, or other emergency management operations, or false alerts, as well as during any hazard, actual or imminent, and subsequent to the same except in cases of willful misconduct. As used in this division, “emergency management volunteer” means only an individual who is authorized to assist any agency performing emergency management during a hazard.
(B) The state, any political subdivision, any individual, partnership, corporation, association, trustee, or receiver, or any agent, agency, representative, officer, or employee of any of them that owns, maintains, occupies, operates, or controls all or part of any building, structure, or premises shall not be liable for any injury or death sustained by any person or damage caused to any property while that person or property is in the building, structure, or premises for duty, training, or shelter purposes during a hazard, drill, test, or false warning, or is entering therein for such purposes or departing therefrom, or for any injury, death, or property damage as the result of any condition in or on the building, structure, or premises or of any act or omission with respect thereto, except a willful act intended to cause injury or damage.
(C) This section does not affect the right of any person to receive benefits to which he may be entitled under Chapter 4123. of the Revised Code or any pension law, nor the rights of any person to receive any benefits or compensation under any act of congress or under any law of this state.
Effective Date: 10-29-1995