The director of public safety may from time to time enter into contracts with the Ohio turnpike commission with respect to the policing of turnpike projects by the state highway patrol. The contracts shall provide for the reimbursement of the state by the commission for the costs incurred by the patrol in policing turnpike projects, including, but not limited to, the salaries of employees of the patrol assigned to the policing, the current costs of funding retirement pensions for the employees of the patrol and of providing workers’ compensation for them, the cost of training state highway patrol troopers and radio operators assigned to turnpike projects, and the cost of equipment and supplies used by the patrol in such policing, and of housing for such troopers and radio operators, to the extent that the equipment, supplies, and housing are not directly furnished by the commission. Each contract may provide for the ascertainment of such costs, and shall be of any duration, not in excess of five years, and may contain any other terms, that the director and the commission may agree upon. The patrol shall not be obligated to furnish policing services on any turnpike project beyond the extent required by the contract. All payments pursuant to any contract in reimbursement of the costs of the policing shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the turnpike policing fund, which is hereby created. All investment earnings of the fund shall be credited to the fund.
Effective Date: 11-12-1992