For the purpose of eliminating one or more existing grade crossings on any road or highway on the state highway system or any extension thereof, the director of transportation may relocate any portion of a road or highway on the system or any portion of any extension thereof; or the director may raise or lower the grade of any road or highway on the system or of any extension thereof, above or below the existing tracks of a railroad and parallel and adjacent interurban railways and require any company owning, operating, managing, or controlling a railroad and any company owning, operating, managing, or controlling an interurban railway parallel and adjacent to such railroad to raise or lower the grade of its tracks above or below the grade of any highway on the state highway system, or on any extension of the system, and may construct ways or crossings for such highway or extension thereof above the tracks of any railroad and parallel and adjacent interurban railway, or require such company owning, operating, controlling, or managing any such railroad and any such parallel and adjacent interurban railway to construct ways or crossings for such highway or extension to be passed under its tracks, whenever, in the opinion of the director, the raising or lowering of any such railroad and parallel and adjacent interurban railway tracks, or the raising, lowering, or construction of such highway or extension is necessary, upon the terms of sections 5523.01 to 5523.20 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 09-28-1973