The director of transportation may provide that the estimate of cost of any project to be constructed by the department by the taking of bids and awarding of contracts shall be confidential information and so remain until after all bids on the project have been received. The total amount of the estimate then shall be published.
When the director exercises the authority conferred by this section, all information with respect to the total estimate of cost of the project to be built by contract and with respect to the estimate of cost of any particular item of work involved therein shall be kept and regarded by the director and all the director’s subordinates as confidential, and shall not be revealed to any person not employed in the department, or by the United States department of transportation in the case of projects financed in whole or part by federal funds, until after the bids on the project have been opened and published. Section 5517.01 of the Revised Code with respect to the public inspection of estimates of cost prior to the opening of bids and with respect to filing estimates of cost in the office of the district deputy director of transportation does not apply when the authority conferred by this section is exercised. This section does not prohibit the department from furnishing estimates of cost to counties, municipal corporations, or other local political subdivisions or to railroad or railway companies proposing to pay any portion of the cost of an improvement.
Section 5525.10 of the Revised Code, which provides that no contract for any improvement shall be awarded for a greater sum than the estimated cost thereof plus five per cent, does not apply in the case of any project with respect to which the authority conferred by this section is exercised. In cases in which the authority conferred by this section is exercised and in which the bid of the successful bidder exceeds the estimate, the director, before entering into a contract, shall determine that the bid of the successful bidder is fair and reasonable, and as long as the federal government imposes regulation on prices charged for construction service, shall require the successful bidder to certify that the bidder’s bid does not exceed the maximum permitted by such federal regulation.
Amended by 128th General Assembly ch. 1, HB 2, § 101.01, eff. 7/1/2009.
Effective Date: 09-17-1996; 03-29-2005