In order to remove present and anticipated handicaps and potential hazards on the congested highways in this state, to facilitate vehicular traffic throughout the state, to promote the agricultural, commercial, recreational, tourism, and industrial development of the state, and to provide for the general welfare by the construction, improvement, and maintenance of modern express highways embodying safety devices, including without limitation center divisions, ample shoulder widths, longsight distances, multiple lanes in each direction, and grade separations at intersections with other public roads and railroads, the Ohio turnpike commission, subject to section 5537.26 of the Revised Code, may construct, maintain, repair, and operate a system of turnpike projects at locations that are reviewed by the turnpike legislative review committee and approved by the governor, and in accordance with alignment and design standards that are approved by the director of transportation, and issue revenue bonds of this state, payable solely from pledged revenues, to pay the cost of those projects. The turnpikes and turnpike projects authorized by this chapter are hereby or shall be made part of the Ohio turnpike system.
Effective Date: 10-17-1996; 2006 HB699 03-29-2007