When one or more of the principal highways of a county, or part thereof, have been destroyed or damaged by freshet, landslide, wear of watercourses, or other casualty, or, by reason of the large amount of traffic or from neglect or inattention to repair, they have come unfit for travel or cause difficulty, danger, or delay to traffic passing thereon, and the board of county commissioners is satisfied that the ordinary levies, authorized by law for such purposes, will be inadequate to provide the money necessary to repair such damage, to remove obstructions from, or make the changes or repairs in such roads as are rendered necessary, the board may annually thereafter levy a tax at its June session, not exceeding five mills upon the dollar upon all taxable property of the county, to be expended under its direction or by the employment of labor and the purchase of materials in such manner as seem most advantageous to the interest of the county, for the construction, reconstruction, or repair and maintenance of such roads.
This section does not authorize the board to refuse to make a levy for a road fund under the laws relating to levies for road and bridge purposes.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953