Any person, firm, or corporation interested therein, may appeal from the final order or judgment of the board of county commissioners, made in any road improvement proceeding and entered upon their journal, determining any of the following matters:
(A) The order establishing the proposed improvement;
(B) The order dismissing or refusing to grant the prayer of the petition for the proposed improvement.
Any person, firm, or corporation desiring to appeal from the final order or judgment of the board upon any such questions, shall, at the final hearing upon matters of compensation or damages, give notice in writing of an intention to appeal, specifying therein the matters to be appealed from.
In case the petition for an improvement is dismissed, or the prayer thereof is not granted, then a person, firm, or corporation desiring to appeal therefrom must give notice as provided by this section on the date when the order is made dismissing said petition, or refusing to grant the prayer thereof, and file the bond required within the time prescribed.
The board shall fix the amount of the bond to be given by the appellant, which amount shall be reasonable, and cause an entry thereof to be made upon its journal. The appellant, within ten days thereafter, shall file with the county auditor a bond in the amount so fixed, with sureties to be approved by the county auditor. Such bond shall be conditioned to pay all costs made on the appeal, if the appellant fails to sustain such appeal or it is dismissed.
Minors or other persons under disability, or their respective guardians, may appeal to the probate court or the common pleas court with giving bond for the payment of costs. The court shall cause an entry showing such disability to be made on the journal. The estates of such persons shall be liable for all costs adjudged against them or their legal representatives.
Effective Date: 01-01-1966