After the board of township trustees has decided to proceed with a road improvement, it shall advertise for bids once, not later than two weeks prior to the date fixed for the letting of contracts, in a newspaper published in the county and of general circulation within such township, but if there is no such paper published in the county then in one having general circulation in the township. Such notice shall state that copies of the surveys, plans, profiles, cross sections, estimates, and specifications for such improvement are on file with the board, and the time within which bids will be received. The board may let the work as a whole or in convenient sections, as it determines. The contract shall be awarded to the lowest and best bidder who meets the requirements of section 153.54 of the Revised Code, and shall be let upon the basis of lump sum bids, unless the board orders that it be let upon the basis of unit price bids, in which event it shall be let upon such basis.
Effective Date: 08-01-1980