When thaws or excessive moisture render the improved highways of this state or any sections of them insufficient to bear the traffic thereon, or when such highways would be damaged or destroyed by heavy traffic during the period of thawing or excessive moisture, the maximum weight of vehicle and load, or the maximum speed, or both, for motor vehicles, as prescribed by law shall be reduced in the following manner:
(A) On state highways, the director of transportation shall prescribe such reduction which shall not be more than twenty-five per cent;
(B) On improved highways and all other roads in the county, other than state highways, the board of county commissioners shall prescribe such reduction as the condition of the road or highway justifies, but in no case shall the reduction be more than fifty per cent.
The schedule of the reduction of maximum weights and speeds shall be filed, for the information of the public, in the office of the board of each county in which the schedule is operative and in the office of the director. The director or board, at least one day before such reduction becomes effective, shall cause to be placed and retained on such highways, at both ends and at the points of intersections by principal roads, during the period of such reduced limitation of weight, speed, or both, signs, of substantial construction, which will conspicuously indicate the limitations of weight and speed, which are allowed on the highway and the date on which such limitations shall go into effect. No person shall operate upon any such highway, a motor vehicle whose maximum weight or speed is in excess of the limitations prescribed. The expense of the purchase and erection of signs, provided for in this section, shall be paid from funds for the maintenance and repair of roads.
Effective Date: 09-28-1973