After the passage of the resolution provided for by section 5591.07 of the Revised Code the board of county commissioners shall determine whether or not it will proceed with the proposed improvement. If it is desired to proceed a resolution by the board shall be passed which must contain, in addition to the terms stated in the resolution, a determination to proceed with the construction of a joint bridge.
At the time of passing the resolution, the proposed contract between the county and the railroad or union depot company, for the construction, use, and maintenance of the joint bridge, together with the plans and specifications showing its location, elevation, and approaches, with such other information as may be required under said contract, shall be prepared and on file with the board. The plans, specifications, and contract shall be approved and the execution of the contract by the officers of such county shall be authorized by the resolution determining to proceed. Such resolution shall also contain a statement of the damages claimed or likely to accrue by reason of the construction of a joint bridge and state who shall supervise the work of construction.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953