Any county or city bridge commission may:
(A) Construct, acquire by purchase or condemnation, and improve, operate, and maintain bridges entirely within the state or such county or city, or over rivers and navigable waters which form a boundary of the state, or such county or city, notwithstanding that the waters of such river or navigable water may not at all times extend to or reach said boundary line, whenever the bridge, any part thereof, or the approach facilities thereto will extend within the boundary of the state or of such county or city;
(B) Pay the costs of such construction, acquisition, improvement, operation, and maintenance;
(C) Issue bridge revenue bonds of the state, or of such county or city, as provided by Chapter 5593. of the Revised Code.
No bridge shall be constructed by a bridge commission until the director of transportation has approved the location and determined, after public hearing as provided in section 5511.01 of the Revised Code, that such construction is in the public interest. The determination and finding shall be journalized. Before any contracts may be awarded for the construction of such bridge, the plans and specifications shall be approved by the director.
Effective Date: 09-04-1982