As used in this chapter:
(A)(1) “Taxable property” includes all the kinds of property mentioned in division (B) of section 5709.01 and section 5709.02 of the Revised Code, and also the amount or value as of the date of conversion of all taxable property converted into bonds or other securities not taxed on or after the first day of November in the year preceding the date of listing, and of all other taxable property converted into deposits after the date as of which deposits are required to be listed in such year, except in the usual course of the taxpayer’s business, to the extent the taxpayer may hold or control such bonds, securities, or deposits on such day, without deduction for indebtedness created in the purchase of such bonds or securities from the taxpayer’s credits. “Taxable property” does not include such investments and deposits as are taxable at the source as provided in sections 5725.01 to 5725.26 of the Revised Code, surrender values under policies of insurance, or any tangible personal property acquired from a public utility or interexchange telecommunications company as defined in section 5727.01 of the Revised Code and leased back to the public utility or interexchange telecommunications company pursuant to a sale and leaseback transaction as defined in division (I) of section 5727.01 of the Revised Code. For tax year 2007 and thereafter, “taxable property” of a telephone, telegraph, or interexchange telecommunications company, as defined in section 5727.01 of the Revised Code, includes property subject to such a sale and leaseback transaction.
(2) For tax year 2007 and thereafter, taxable property leased to a telephone, telegraph, or interexchange telecommunications company, as defined in section 5727.01 of the Revised Code, other than pursuant to a sale and leaseback transaction, shall be listed and assessed by the owner of the property as follows:
(a) If the property leased to such a company is not governed by division (C) of section 5711.22 of the Revised Code in tax years 2007 and 2008, it shall be listed and assessed at the percentage of true value in money required under division (G) of section 5711.22 of the Revised Code.
(b) All property leased to such a company in tax years 2009 and 2010 shall be listed and assessed at the percentage of true value in money required under division (H) of section 5711.22 of the Revised Code.
(3) For tax years 2009 and 2010, the lessor of property subject to division (A)(2) of this section shall have the true value of the property the lessor leases to a telephone, telegraph, or interexchange telecommunications company determined under divisions (A)(5) and (E) of section 5727.06 of the Revised Code.
(B) “Taxpayer” means any owner of taxable property, including property exempt under division (C) of section 5709.01 of the Revised Code, and includes every person residing in, or incorporated or organized by or under the laws of this state, or doing business in this state, or owning or having a beneficial interest in taxable personal property in this state and every fiduciary required by sections 5711.01 to 5711.36 of the Revised Code, to make a return for or on behalf of another. For tax year 2007 and thereafter, “taxpayer” includes telephone companies, telegraph companies, and interexchange telecommunications company as defined in section 5727.01 of the Revised Code. The tax commissioner may by rule define and designate the taxpayer, as to any taxable property which would not otherwise be required by this section to be returned; and any such rule shall be considered supplementary to the enumeration of kinds of taxpayers following:
(1) Individuals of full age and sound mind residing in this state;
(2) Partnerships, corporations, associations, and joint-stock companies, under whatever laws organized or existing, doing business or having taxable property in this state; and corporations incorporated by or organized under the laws of this state, wherever their actual business is conducted;
(3) Fiduciaries appointed by any court in this state or having title, possession, or custody of taxable personal property in this state or engaged in business in this state;
(4) Unincorporated mutual funds.
“Taxpayer” excludes all individuals, partnerships, corporations, associations, and joint-stock companies, their executors, administrators, and receivers who are defined in Title LVII of the Revised Code as financial institutions, dealers in intangibles, domestic insurance companies, or public utilities, except to the extent they may be required by sections 5711.01 to 5711.36 of the Revised Code, to make returns as fiduciaries, or by section 5725.26 of the Revised Code, to make returns of property leased, or held for the purpose of leasing, to others if the owner or lessor of the property acquired it for the sole purpose of leasing it to others or to the extent that property is taxable under section 5725.25 of the Revised Code.
(C) “Return” means the taxpayer’s annual report of taxable property.
(D) “List” means the designation, in a return, of the description of taxable property, the valuation or amount thereof, the name of the owner, and the taxing district where assessable.
(E) “Taxing district” means, in the case of property assessable on the classified tax list and duplicate, a municipal corporation or the territory in a county outside the limits of all municipal corporations therein; in the case of property assessable on the general tax list and duplicate, a municipal corporation or township, or part thereof, in which the aggregate rate of taxation is uniform.
(F) “Assessor” includes the tax commissioner and the county auditor as deputy of the commissioner.
(G) “Fiduciary” includes executors, administrators, parents, guardians, receivers, assignees, official custodians, factors, bailees, lessees, agents, attorneys, and employees, but does not include trustees unless the sense so requires.
(H) “General tax list and duplicate” means the books or records containing the assessments of property subject to local tax levies.
(I) “Classified tax list and duplicate” means the books or records containing the assessments of property not subject to local tax levies.
(J) “Investment company” means any corporation, the shares of which are regularly offered for sale to the public, engaged solely in the business of investing and reinvesting funds in real property or investments, or holding or selling real property or investments for the purpose of realizing income or profit which is distributed to its shareholders. Investment company does not include any dealer in intangibles, as defined in section 5725.01 of the Revised Code.
(K) “Unincorporated mutual fund” means any partnership, each partner of which is a corporation, engaged solely in the business of investing and reinvesting funds in investments, or holding or selling investments for the purpose of realizing income or profit which is distributed to its partners and which is subject to Chapter 1707. of the Revised Code. An unincorporated mutual fund does not include any dealer in intangibles as defined in section 5725.01 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 12-22-1992; 06-30-2005; 03-30-2006; 2007 HB119 06-30-2007