(A) As used in this section:
(1) “Manufacturer” means a person who purchases, receives, or holds personal property for the purpose of adding to its value by manufacturing, refining, rectifying, or combining different materials with a view of making a gain or profit by so doing.
(2) “Manufacturing equipment” means machinery and equipment, and tools and implements, including any associated patterns, jigs, dies, drawings, and business fixtures, used at a manufacturing facility by a manufacturer, and includes any such property leased to the manufacturer. “Manufacturing equipment” excludes property used for general office purposes. Nothing in this division is to be construed to change the definition of personal property, as defined in section 5701.03 of the Revised Code.
(3) “Manufacturing facility” means a facility or portion of a facility used for manufacturing, mining, refining, rectifying, or combining different materials with a view of making a gain or profit by so doing. “Manufacturing facility” includes that portion of a facility used to store or transport raw materials, work-in-process, or finished goods inventory, for packaging, for research, or to test for quality control, as long as manufacturing, mining, refining, rectifying, or combining is also performed at the facility. “Manufacturing facility” does not include any portion of a facility used primarily for making retail sales.
(4) “Manufacturing inventory” means all articles purchased, received, or otherwise held for the purpose of being used, in whole or in part, in manufacturing, mining, combining, rectifying, or refining, and of all articles that were at any time manufactured or changed in any way by a manufacturer, either by mining, combining, rectifying, refining, or adding thereto.
(B) When a manufacturer is required to return a statement of the amount of the manufacturer’s personal property used in business, the manufacturer shall include the average value, estimated as provided in this section, of manufacturing inventory that the manufacturer has had on hand during the year ending on the day the property is listed for taxation annually, or the part of such year during which the manufacturer was engaged in business. The manufacturer shall separately list finished products not kept or stored at the place of manufacture or at a warehouse in the same county.
The average value of such property shall be ascertained by taking the value of all property subject to be listed on the average basis, owned by the manufacturer on the last business day of each month the manufacturer was engaged in business during the year, adding the monthly values together, and dividing the result by the number of months the manufacturer was engaged in such business during the year. The result shall be the average value to be listed.
(C) A manufacturer also shall list all manufacturing equipment owned or used by the manufacturer.
Effective Date: 09-29-1999; 06-30-2005