As used in this chapter:
(A) “Electing subdivision” means a municipal corporation that has enacted an ordinance or a township or county that has adopted a resolution pursuant to section 5722.02 of the Revised Code for purposes of adopting and implementing the procedures set forth in sections 5722.02 to 5722.15 of the Revised Code. A county land reutilization corporation organized by a county and designated to act on behalf of the county pursuant to division (B) of section 5722.02 of the Revised Code shall be deemed the electing subdivision for all purposes of this chapter, except as otherwise expressly provided in this chapter.
(B) “County land reutilization corporation” means a county land reutilization corporation organized under Chapter 1724. of the Revised Code.
(C) “Delinquent lands” has the same meaning as in section 5721.01 of the Revised Code, and “delinquent vacant lands” are delinquent lands that are unimproved by any dwelling.
(D) “Land reutilization program” means the procedures and activities concerning the acquisition, management, and disposition of affected delinquent lands set forth in sections 5722.02 to 5722.15 of the Revised Code.
(E) “Minimum bid,” in the case of a sale of property foreclosed pursuant to section 323.25, sections 323.65 to 323.79, or section 5721.18, or foreclosed and forfeited pursuant to section 5721.14 of the Revised Code, means a bid in an amount equal to the sum of the taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and payable on the parcel subsequent to the delivery to the county prosecuting attorney of the delinquent land or delinquent vacant land tax certificate or master list of delinquent or delinquent vacant tracts containing the parcel, and prior to the transfer of the deed of the parcel to the purchaser following confirmation of sale, plus the costs of foreclosure or foreclosure and forfeiture proceedings against the property.
(F) “Nonproductive land” means any parcel of delinquent vacant land with respect to which a foreclosure proceeding pursuant to section 323.25 or sections 323.65 to 323.79, a foreclosure proceeding pursuant to division (A) or (B) of section 5721.18, or a foreclosure and forfeiture proceeding pursuant to section 5721.14 of the Revised Code has been instituted; and any parcel of delinquent land with respect to which a foreclosure proceeding pursuant to section 323.25, sections 323.65 to 323.79, or division (A) or (B) of section 5721.18 of the Revised Code has been instituted, and upon which there are no buildings or other structures, or upon which there are either:
(1) Buildings or other structures that are not in the occupancy of any person and as to which the township or municipal corporation within whose boundaries the parcel is situated has instituted proceedings under section 505.86 or 715.26 of the Revised Code, or Section 3 of Article XVIII, Ohio Constitution, for the removal or demolition of such buildings or other structures by the township or municipal corporation because of their insecure, unsafe, or structurally defective condition;
(2) Buildings or structures that are not in the occupancy of any person at the time the foreclosure proceeding is initiated and whose acquisition the municipal corporation, county, township, or county land reutilization corporation determines to be necessary for the implementation of an effective land reutilization program.
(G) “Occupancy” means the actual, continuous, and exclusive use and possession of a parcel by a person having a lawful right to such use and possession.
(H) “Land within an electing subdivision’s boundaries” does not include land within the boundaries of a municipal corporation, unless the electing subdivision is the municipal corporation or the municipal corporation adopts an ordinance that gives consent to the electing subdivision to include such land.
Effective Date: 03-11-2004; 2008 SB353 04-07-2009