(A) An electing subdivision shall keep all taxing districts having an interest in the taxes, assessments, charges, interest, and penalties on the real property acquired as part of the land reutilization program informed concerning the administration of its land reutilization program and may establish a committee comprised of a representative of each such taxing district. Each member of the committee shall be appointed by, and serve at the pleasure of, the taxing district the member represents. A representative may be an employee of the taxing district. All members shall serve without compensation. The committee may meet in person or by electronic or telephonic means, at the discretion of the electing subdivision, at least annually to review the operations of the land reutilization program and to advise the electing subdivision concerning any matter relating to such program which comes before the committee.
(B) An electing subdivision, as a part of its land reutilization program, may establish separate neighborhood advisory committees consisting of persons living or owning property within each neighborhood affected by the program. The electing subdivision shall determine the boundaries of each neighborhood and which neighborhoods are affected by the program. Each neighborhood advisory committee shall be appointed by the chief executive officer of the electing subdivision for two-year overlapping terms and shall be composed of at least three persons. The electing subdivision shall consult with each neighborhood advisory committee at least annually to review the operations of the land reutilization program and to receive the advice of the members of the neighborhood advisory committee concerning any matter relating to the program which comes before the committees, including a specific interim use plan for the land.
(C) This section does not apply to a county land reutilization corporation.
Effective Date: 04-05-1991; 2008 SB353 04-07-2009