As used in this section, “local tax” means a tax imposed pursuant to section 5739.021, 5739.023, 5739.026, 5741.021, 5741.022, or 5741.023 of the Revised Code.
(A) The taxes levied by sections 5739.02 and 5741.02 of the Revised Code shall be collected as follows:
(1) On and after July 1, 2003, and on or before June 30, 2005, in accordance with the following schedule:
If the price is at least But not more than The amount of the tax is
$.01 $.15 No tax
.16 .16 1¢
.17 .33 2¢
.34 .50 3¢
.51 .66 4¢
.67 .83 5¢
.84 1.00 6¢
If the price exceeds one dollar, the tax is six cents on each one dollar. If the price exceeds one dollar or a multiple thereof by not more than seventeen cents, the amount of tax is six cents for each one dollar plus one cent. If the price exceeds one dollar or a multiple thereof by more than seventeen cents, the amount of tax is six cents for each one dollar plus the amount of tax for prices eighteen cents through ninety-nine cents in accordance with the schedule above.
(2) On and after July 1, 2005, and on and before December 31, 2005, in accordance with the following schedule:
If the price is at least But not more than The amount of the tax is
$ .01 $ .15 No tax
.16 .20.18 1¢
.21.19 .40.36 2¢
.41.37 .60.54 3¢
.61.55 .80.72 4¢
.81.73 1.00.90 5¢
.91 1.09 6¢
1.10 1.27 7¢
1.28 1.46 8¢
1.47 1.64 9¢
1.65 1.82 10¢
1.83 2.00 11¢
If the price exceeds two dollars, the tax is eleven cents on each two dollars. If the price exceeds two dollars or a multiple thereof by not more than eighteen cents, the amount of tax is eleven cents for each two dollars plus one cent. If the price exceeds two dollars or a multiple thereof by more than eighteen cents, the amount of tax is eleven cents for each two dollars plus the amount of tax for prices nineteen cents through one dollar and ninety-nine cents in accordance with the schedule above.
(B) On and after July 1, 2003, and on and before June 30, 2005, the combined taxes levied by sections 5739.02 and 5741.02 and pursuant to sections 5739.021, 5739.023, 5739.026, 5741.021, 5741.022, and 5741.023 of the Revised Code shall be collected in accordance with the following schedules:
(1) When the combined rate of state and local tax is six and one-fourth per cent:
If the price is at least But not more than The amount of the tax is
$.01 $.15 No tax
.16 .16 1¢
.17 .32 2¢
.33 .48 3¢
.49 .64 4¢
.65 .80 5¢
.81 .96 6¢
.97 1.12 7¢
1.13 1.28 8¢
1.29 1.44 9¢
1.45 1.60 10¢
1.61 1.76 11¢
1.77 1.92 12¢
1.93 2.08 13¢
2.09 2.24 14¢
2.25 2.40 15¢
2.41 2.56 16¢
2.57 2.72 17¢
2.73 2.88 18¢
2.89 3.04 19¢
3.05 3.20 20¢
3.21 3.36 21¢
3.37 3.52 22¢
3.53 3.68 23¢
3.69 3.84 24¢
3.85 4.00 25¢
If the price exceeds four dollars, the tax is twenty-five cents on each four dollars. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by not more than sixteen cents, the amount of tax is twenty-five cents for each four dollars plus one cent. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by more than sixteen cents, the amount of tax is twenty-five cents for each four dollars plus the amount of tax for prices seventeen cents through three dollars and ninety-nine cents in accordance with the schedule above.
(2) When the combined rate of state and local tax is six and one-half per cent:
If the price is at least But not more than The amount of the tax is
$.01 $.15 No tax
.16 .30 2¢
.31 .46 3¢
.47 .61 4¢
.62 .76 5¢
.77 .92 6¢
.93 1.07 7¢
1.08 1.23 8¢
1.24 1.38 9¢
1.39 1.53 10¢
1.54 1.69 11¢
1.70 1.84 12¢
1.85 2.00 13¢
If the price exceeds two dollars, the tax is thirteen cents on each two dollars. If the price exceeds two dollars or a multiple thereof by not more than fifteen cents, the amount of tax is thirteen cents for each two dollars plus one cent. If the price exceeds two dollars or a multiple thereof by more than fifteen cents, the amount of tax is thirteen cents for each two dollars plus the amount of tax for prices sixteen cents through one dollar and ninety-nine cents in accordance with the schedule above.
(3) When the combined rate of state and local tax is six and three-fourths per cent:
If the price is at least But not more than The amount of the tax is
$.01 $.15 No tax
.16 .29 2¢
.30 .44 3¢
.45 .59 4¢
.60 .74 5¢
.75 .88 6¢
.89 1.03 7¢
1.04 1.18 8¢
1.19 1.33 9¢
1.34 1.48 10¢
1.49 1.62 11¢
1.63 1.77 12¢
1.78 1.92 13¢
1.93 2.07 14¢
2.08 2.22 15¢
2.23 2.37 16¢
2.38 2.51 17¢
2.52 2.66 18¢
2.67 2.81 19¢
2.82 2.96 20¢
2.97 3.11 21¢
3.12 3.25 22¢
3.26 3.40 23¢
3.41 3.55 24¢
3.56 3.70 25¢
3.71 3.85 26¢
3.86 4.00 27¢
If the price exceeds four dollars, the tax is twenty-seven cents on each four dollars. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by not more than fourteen cents, the amount of tax is twenty-seven cents for each four dollars plus one cent. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by more than fourteen but by not more than twenty-nine cents, the amount of tax is twenty-seven cents for each four dollars plus two cents. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by more than twenty-nine cents the amount of tax is twenty-seven cents for each four dollars plus the amount of tax for prices thirty cents through three dollars and ninety-nine cents in accordance with the schedule above.
(4) When the combined rate of state and local tax is seven per cent:
If the price is at least But not more than The amount of the tax is
$.01 $.15 No tax
.16 .28 2¢
.29 .42 3¢
.43 .57 4¢
.58 .71 5¢
.72 .85 6¢
.86 1.00 7¢
If the price exceeds one dollar, the tax is seven cents on each one dollar. If the price exceeds one dollar or a multiple thereof by not more than fifteen cents, the amount of tax is seven cents for each one dollar plus one cent. If the price exceeds one dollar or a multiple thereof by more than fifteen cents, the amount of tax is seven cents for each one dollar plus the amount of tax for prices sixteen cents through ninety-nine cents in accordance with the schedule above.
(5) When the combined rate of state and local tax is seven and one-fourth per cent:
If the price is at least But not more than The amount of the tax is
$.01 $.15 No tax
.16 .27 2¢
.28 .41 3¢
.42 .55 4¢
.56 .68 5¢
.69 .82 6¢
.83 .96 7¢
.97 1.10 8¢
1.11 1.24 9¢
1.25 1.37 10¢
1.38 1.51 11¢
1.52 1.65 12¢
1.66 1.79 13¢
1.80 1.93 14¢
1.94 2.06 15¢
2.07 2.20 16¢
2.21 2.34 17¢
2.35 2.48 18¢
2.49 2.62 19¢
2.63 2.75 20¢
2.76 2.89 21¢
2.90 3.03 22¢
3.04 3.17 23¢
3.18 3.31 24¢
3.32 3.44 25¢
3.45 3.58 26¢
3.59 3.72 27¢
3.73 3.86 28¢
3.87 4.00 29¢
If the price exceeds four dollars, the tax is twenty-nine cents on each four dollars. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by not more than thirteen cents, the amount of tax is twenty-nine cents for each four dollars plus one cent. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by more than thirteen cents but by not more than twenty-seven cents, the amount of tax is twenty-nine cents for each four dollars plus two cents. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by more than twenty-seven cents, the amount of tax is twenty-nine cents for each four dollars plus the amount of tax for prices twenty-eight cents through three dollars and ninety-nine cents in accordance with the schedule above.
(6) When the combined rate of state and local tax is seven and one-half per cent:
If the price is at least But not more than The amount of the tax is
$.01 $.15 No tax
.16 .26 2¢
.27 .40 3¢
.41 .53 4¢
.54 .65 5¢
.66 .80 6¢
.81 .93 7¢
.94 1.06 8¢
1.07 1.20 9¢
1.21 1.33 10¢
1.34 1.46 11¢
1.47 1.60 12¢
1.61 1.73 13¢
1.74 1.86 14¢
1.87 2.00 15¢
If the price exceeds two dollars, the tax is fifteen cents on each two dollars. If the price exceeds two dollars or a multiple thereof by not more than fifteen cents, the amount of tax is fifteen cents for each two dollars plus one cent. If the price exceeds two dollars or a multiple thereof by more than fifteen cents, the amount of tax is fifteen cents for each two dollars plus the amount of tax for prices sixteen cents through one dollar and ninety-nine cents in accordance with the schedule above.
(7) When the combined rate of state and local tax is seven and three-fourths per cent:
If the price is at least But not more than The amount of the tax is
$.01 $.15 No tax
.16 .25 2¢
.26 .38 3¢
.39 .51 4¢
.52 .64 5¢
.65 .77 6¢
.78 .90 7¢
.91 1.03 8¢
1.04 1.16 9¢
1.17 1.29 10¢
1.30 1.41 11¢
1.42 1.54 12¢
1.55 1.67 13¢
1.68 1.80 14¢
1.81 1.93 15¢
1.94 2.06 16¢
2.07 2.19 17¢
2.20 2.32 18¢
2.33 2.45 19¢
2.46 2.58 20¢
2.59 2.70 21¢
2.71 2.83 22¢
2.84 2.96 23¢
2.97 3.09 24¢
3.10 3.22 25¢
3.23 3.35 26¢
3.36 3.48 27¢
3.49 3.61 28¢
3.62 3.74 29¢
3.75 3.87 30¢
3.88 4.00 31¢
If the price exceeds four dollars, the tax is thirty-one cents on each four dollars. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by not more than twelve cents, the amount of tax is thirty-one cents for each four dollars plus one cent. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by more than twelve cents but by not more than twenty-five cents, the amount of tax is thirty-one cents for each four dollars plus two cents. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by more than twenty-five cents, the amount of tax is thirty-one cents for each four dollars plus the amount of tax for prices twenty-six cents through three dollars and ninety-nine cents in accordance with the schedule above.
(8) When the combined rate of state and local tax is eight per cent:
If the price is at least But not more than The amount of the tax is
$.01 $.15 No tax
.16 .25 2¢
.26 .37 3¢
.38 .50 4¢
.51 .62 5¢
.63 .75 6¢
.76 .87 7¢
.88 1.00 8¢
If the price exceeds one dollar, the tax is eight cents on each one dollar. If the price exceeds one dollar or a multiple thereof by not more than twelve cents, the amount of tax is eight cents for each one dollar plus one cent. If the price exceeds one dollar or a multiple thereof by more than twelve cents but not more than twenty-five cents, the amount of tax is eight cents for each one dollar plus two cents. If the price exceeds one dollar or a multiple thereof by more than twenty-five cents, the amount of tax is eight cents for each one dollar plus the amount of tax for prices twenty-six cents through ninety-nine cents in accordance with the schedule above.
(9) When the combined rate of state and local tax is eight and one-fourth per cent:
If the price is at least But not more than The amount of the tax is
$.01 $.15 No tax
.16 .24 2¢
.25 .36 3¢
.37 .48 4¢
.49 .60 5¢
.61 .72 6¢
.73 .84 7¢
.85 .96 8¢
.97 1.09 9¢
1.10 1.21 10¢
1.22 1.33 11¢
1.34 1.45 12¢
1.46 1.57 13¢
1.58 1.69 14¢
1.70 1.81 15¢
1.82 1.93 16¢
1.94 2.06 17¢
2.07 2.18 18¢
2.19 2.30 19¢
2.31 2.42 20¢
2.43 2.54 21¢
2.55 2.66 22¢
2.67 2.78 23¢
2.79 2.90 24¢
2.91 3.03 25¢
3.04 3.15 26¢
3.16 3.27 27¢
3.28 3.39 28¢
3.40 3.51 29¢
3.52 3.63 30¢
3.64 3.75 31¢
3.76 3.87 32¢
3.88 4.00 33¢
If the price exceeds four dollars, the tax is thirty-three cents on each four dollars. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by not more than eleven cents, the amount of tax is thirty-three cents for each four dollars plus one cent. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by more than eleven cents but by not more than twenty-four cents, the amount of tax is thirty-three cents for each four dollars plus two cents. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by more than twenty-four cents, the amount of tax is thirty-three cents for each four dollars plus the amount of tax for prices twenty-six cents through three dollars and ninety-nine cents in accordance with the schedule above.
(10) When the combined rate of state and local tax is eight and one-half per cent:
If the price is at least But not more than The amount of the tax is
$.01 $.15 No tax
.16 .23 2¢
.24 .35 3¢
.36 .47 4¢
.48 .58 5¢
.59 .70 6¢
.71 .82 7¢
.83 .94 8¢
.95 1.05 9¢
1.06 1.17 10¢
1.18 1.29 11¢
1.30 1.41 12¢
1.42 1.52 13¢
1.53 1.64 14¢
1.65 1.76 15¢
1.77 1.88 16¢
1.89 2.00 17¢
If the price exceeds two dollars, the tax is seventeen cents on each two dollars. If the price exceeds two dollars or a multiple thereof by not more than eleven cents, the amount of tax is seventeen cents for each two dollars plus one cent. If the price exceeds two dollars or a multiple thereof by more than eleven cents but by not more than twenty-three cents, the amount of tax is seventeen cents for each two dollars plus two cents. If the price exceeds two dollars or a multiple thereof by more than twenty-three cents, the amount of tax is seventeen cents for each two dollars plus the amount of tax for prices twenty-four cents through one dollar and ninety-nine cents in accordance with the schedule above.
(11) When the combined rate of state and local tax is eight and three-fourths per cent:
If the price is at least But not more than The amount of the tax is
$.01 $.15 No tax
.16 .22 2¢
.23 .34 3¢
.35 .45 4¢
.46 .57 5¢
.58 .68 6¢
.69 .80 7¢
.81 .91 8¢
.92 1.02 9¢
1.03 1.14 10¢
1.15 1.25 11¢
1.26 1.37 12¢
1.38 1.48 13¢
1.49 1.60 14¢
1.61 1.71 15¢
1.72 1.82 16¢
1.83 1.94 17¢
1.95 2.05 18¢
2.06 2.17 19¢
2.18 2.28 20¢
2.29 2.40 21¢
2.41 2.51 22¢
2.52 2.62 23¢
2.63 2.74 24¢
2.75 2.85 25¢
2.86 2.97 26¢
2.98 3.08 27¢
3.09 3.20 28¢
3.21 3.31 29¢
3.32 3.42 30¢
3.43 3.54 31¢
3.55 3.65 32¢
3.66 3.77 33¢
3.78 3.88 34¢
3.89 4.00 35¢
If the price exceeds four dollars, the tax is thirty-five cents on each four dollars. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by not more than eleven cents, the amount of tax is thirty-five cents for each four dollars plus one cent. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by more than eleven cents but by not more than twenty-two cents, the amount of tax is thirty-five cents for each four dollars plus two cents. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by more than twenty-two cents, the amount of tax is thirty-five cents for each four dollars plus the amount of tax for prices twenty-three cents through three dollars and ninety-nine cents in accordance with the schedule above.
(12) When the combined rate of state and local tax is nine per cent:
If the price is at least But not more than The amount of the tax is
$.01 $.15 No tax
.16 .22 2¢
.23 .33 3¢
.34 .44 4¢
.45 .55 5¢
.56 .66 6¢
.67 .77 7¢
.78 .88 8¢
.89 1.00 9¢
If the price exceeds one dollar, the tax is nine cents on each one dollar. If the price exceeds one dollar or a multiple thereof by not more than eleven cents, the amount of tax is nine cents for each one dollar plus one cent. If the price exceeds one dollar or a multiple thereof by more than eleven cents but by not more than twenty-two cents, the amount of tax is nine cents for each one dollar plus two cents. If the price exceeds one dollar or a multiple thereof by more than twenty-two cents, the amount of tax is nine cents for each one dollar plus the amount of tax for prices twenty-three cents through ninety-nine cents in accordance with the schedule above.
(C) On and after July 1, 2005, and on and before December 31, 2005, the combined taxes levied by sections 5739.02 and 5741.02 and pursuant to sections 5739.021, 5739.023, 5739.026, 5741.021, 5741.022, and 5741.023 of the Revised Code shall be collected in accordance with the following schedules:
(1) When the total rate of local tax is one-fourth per cent:
If the price is at least But not more than The amount of the tax is
$ .01 $ .15 No tax
.16 .17 1¢
.18 .34 2¢
.35 .52 3¢
.53 .69 4¢
.70 .86 5¢
.87 1.04 6¢
1.05 1.21 7¢
1.22 1.39 8¢
1.40 1.56 9¢
1.57 1.73 10¢
1.74 1.91 11¢
1.92 2.08 12¢
2.09 2.26 13¢
2.27 2.43 14¢
2.44 2.60 15¢
2.61 2.78 16¢
2.79 2.95 17¢
2.96 3.13 18¢
3.14 3.30 19¢
3.31 3.47 20¢
3.48 3.65 21¢
3.66 3.82 22¢
3.83 4.00 23¢
If the price exceeds four dollars, the tax is twenty-three cents on each four dollars. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by not more than seventeen cents, the amount of tax is twenty-three cents for each four dollars plus one cent. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by more than seventeen cents, the amount of tax is twenty-three cents for each four dollars plus the amount of tax for prices eighteen cents through three dollars and ninety-nine cents in accordance with the schedule above.
(2) When the combined rate of local tax is one-half per cent:
If the price is at least But not more than The amount of the tax is
$ .01 $ .15 No tax
.16 .17 1¢
.18 .34 2¢
.35 .50 3¢
.51 .67 4¢
.68 .83 5¢
.84 1.00 6¢
If the price exceeds one dollar, the tax is six cents on each one dollar. If the price exceeds one dollar or a multiple thereof by not more than seventeen cents, the amount of tax is six cents for each one dollar plus one cent. If the price exceeds one dollar or a multiple thereof by more than seventeen cents, the amount of tax is six cents for each one dollar plus the amount of tax for prices eighteen cents through ninety-nine cents in accordance with the schedule above.
(3) When the combined rate of local tax is three-fourths per cent:
If the price is at least But not more than The amount of the tax is
$ .01 $ .15 No tax
.16 .16 1¢
.17 .32 2¢
.33 .48 3¢
.49 .64 4¢
.65 .80 5¢
.81 .96 6¢
.97 1.12 7¢
1.13 1.28 8¢
1.29 1.44 9¢
1.45 1.60 10¢
1.61 1.76 11¢
1.77 1.92 12¢
1.93 2.08 13¢
2.09 2.24 14¢
2.25 2.40 15¢
2.41 2.56 16¢
2.57 2.72 17¢
2.73 2.88 18¢
2.89 3.04 19¢
3.05 3.20 20¢
3.21 3.36 21¢
3.37 3.52 22¢
3.53 3.68 23¢
3.69 3.84 24¢
3.85 4.00 25¢
If the price exceeds four dollars, the tax is twenty-five cents on each four dollars. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by not more than sixteen cents, the amount of tax is twenty-five cents for each four dollars plus one cent. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by more than sixteen cents, the amount of tax is twenty-five cents for each four dollars plus the amount of tax for prices seventeen cents through three dollars and ninety-nine cents in accordance with the schedule above.
(4) When the combined rate of local tax is one per cent:
If the price is at least But not more than The amount of the tax is
$ .01 $ .15 No tax
.16 .30 2¢
.31 .46 3¢
.47 .61 4¢
.62 .76 5¢
.77 .92 6¢
.93 1.07 7¢
1.08 1.23 8¢
1.24 1.38 9¢
1.39 1.53 10¢
1.54 1.69 11¢
1.70 1.84 12¢
1.85 2.00 13¢
If the price exceeds two dollars, the tax is thirteen cents on each two dollars. If the price exceeds two dollars or a multiple thereof by not more than fifteen cents, the amount of tax is thirteen cents for each two dollars plus one cent. If the price exceeds two dollars or a multiple thereof by more than fifteen cents, the amount of tax is thirteen cents for each two dollars plus the amount of tax for prices sixteen cents through one dollar and ninety-nine cents in accordance with the schedule above.
(5) When the combined rate of local tax is one and one-fourth per cent:
If the price is at least But not more than The amount of the tax is
$ .01 $ .15 No tax
.16 .29 2¢
.30 .44 3¢
.45 .59 4¢
.60 .74 5¢
.75 .88 6¢
.89 1.03 7¢
1.04 1.18 8¢
1.19 1.33 9¢
1.34 1.48 10¢
1.49 1.62 11¢
1.63 1.77 12¢
1.78 1.92 13¢
1.93 2.07 14¢
2.08 2.22 15¢
2.23 2.37 16¢
2.38 2.51 17¢
2.52 2.66 18¢
2.67 2.81 19¢
2.82 2.96 20¢
2.97 3.11 21¢
3.12 3.25 22¢
3.26 3.40 23¢
3.41 3.55 24¢
3.56 3.70 25¢
3.71 3.85 26¢
3.86 4.00 27¢
If the price exceeds four dollars, the tax is twenty-seven cents on each four dollars. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by not more than fourteen cents, the amount of tax is twenty-seven cents for each four dollars plus one cent. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by more than fourteen but by not more than twenty-nine cents, the amount of tax is twenty-seven cents for each four dollars plus two cents. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by more than twenty-nine cents the amount of tax is twenty-seven cents for each four dollars plus the amount of tax for prices thirty cents through three dollars and ninety-nine cents in accordance with the schedule above.
(6) When the combined rate of local tax is one and one-half per cent:
If the price is at least But not more than The amount of the tax is
$ .01 $ .15 No tax
.16 .28 2¢
.29 .42 3¢
.43 .57 4¢
.58 .71 5¢
.72 .85 6¢
.86 1.00 7¢
If the price exceeds one dollar, the tax is seven cents on each one dollar. If the price exceeds one dollar or a multiple thereof by not more than fifteen cents, the amount of tax is seven cents for each one dollar plus one cent. If the price exceeds one dollar or a multiple thereof by more than fifteen cents, the amount of tax is seven cents for each one dollar plus the amount of tax for prices sixteen cents through ninety-nine cents in accordance with the schedule above.
(7) When the combined rate of local tax is one and three-fourths per cent:
If the price is at least But not more than The amount of the tax is
$ .01 $ .15 No tax
.16 .27 2¢
.28 .41 3¢
.42 .55 4¢
.56 .68 5¢
.69 .82 6¢
.83 .96 7¢
.97 1.10 8¢
1.11 1.24 9¢
1.25 1.37 10¢
1.38 1.51 11¢
1.52 1.65 12¢
1.66 1.79 13¢
1.80 1.93 14¢
1.94 2.06 15¢
2.07 2.20 16¢
2.21 2.34 17¢
2.35 2.48 18¢
2.49 2.62 19¢
2.63 2.75 20¢
2.76 2.89 21¢
2.90 3.03 22¢
3.04 3.17 23¢
3.18 3.31 24¢
3.32 3.44 25¢
3.45 3.58 26¢
3.59 3.72 27¢
3.73 3.86 28¢
3.87 4.00 29¢
If the price exceeds four dollars, the tax is twenty-nine cents on each four dollars. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by not more than thirteen cents, the amount of tax is twenty-nine cents for each four dollars plus one cent. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by more than thirteen cents but by not more than twenty-seven cents, the amount of tax is twenty-nine cents for each four dollars plus two cents. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by more than twenty-seven cents, the amount of tax is twenty-nine cents for each four dollars plus the amount of tax for prices twenty-eight cents through three dollars and ninety-nine cents in accordance with the schedule above.
(8) When the combined rate of local tax is two per cent:
If the price is at least But not more than The amount of the tax is
$ .01 $ .15 No tax
.16 .26 2¢
.27 .40 3¢
.41 .53 4¢
.54 .65 5¢
.66 .80 6¢
.81 .93 7¢
.94 1.06 8¢
1.07 1.20 9¢
1.21 1.33 10¢
1.34 1.46 11¢
1.47 1.60 12¢
1.61 1.73 13¢
1.74 1.86 14¢
1.87 2.00 15¢
If the price exceeds two dollars, the tax is fifteen cents on each two dollars. If the price exceeds two dollars or a multiple thereof by not more than fifteen cents, the amount of tax is fifteen cents for each two dollars plus one cent. If the price exceeds two dollars or a multiple thereof by more than fifteen cents, the amount of tax is fifteen cents for each two dollars plus the amount of tax for prices sixteen cents through one dollar and ninety-nine cents in accordance with the schedule above.
(9) When the combined rate of local tax is two and one-fourth per cent:
If the price is at least But not more than The amount of the tax is
$ .01 $ .15 No tax
.16 .25 2¢
.26 .38 3¢
.39 .51 4¢
.52 .64 5¢
.65 .77 6¢
.78 .90 7¢
.91 1.03 8¢
1.04 1.16 9¢
1.17 1.29 10¢
1.30 1.41 11¢
1.42 1.54 12¢
1.55 1.67 13¢
1.68 1.80 14¢
1.81 1.93 15¢
1.94 2.06 16¢
2.07 2.19 17¢
2.20 2.32 18¢
2.33 2.45 19¢
2.46 2.58 20¢
2.59 2.70 21¢
2.71 2.83 22¢
2.84 2.96 23¢
2.97 3.09 24¢
3.10 3.22 25¢
3.23 3.35 26¢
3.36 3.48 27¢
3.49 3.61 28¢
3.62 3.74 29¢
3.75 3.87 30¢
3.88 4.00 31¢
If the price exceeds four dollars, the tax is thirty-one cents on each four dollars. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by not more than twelve cents, the amount of tax is thirty-one cents for each four dollars plus one cent. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by more than twelve cents but not more than twenty-five cents, the amount of tax is thirty-one cents for each four dollars plus two cents. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by more than twenty-five cents, the amount of tax is thirty-one cents for each four dollars plus the amount of tax for prices twenty-six cents through three dollars and ninety-nine cents in accordance with the schedule above.
(10) When the combined rate of local tax is two and one-half per cent:
If the price is at least But not more than The amount of the tax is
$ .01 $ .15 No tax
.16 .25 2¢
.26 .37 3¢
.38 .50 4¢
.51 .62 5¢
.63 .75 6¢
.76 .87 7¢
.88 1.00 8¢
If the price exceeds one dollar, the tax is eight cents on each one dollar. If the price exceeds one dollar or a multiple thereof by not more than twelve cents, the amount of tax is eight cents for each one dollar plus one cent. If the price exceeds one dollar or a multiple thereof by more than twelve cents but not more than twenty-five cents, the amount of tax is eight cents for each one dollar plus two cents. If the price exceeds one dollar or a multiple thereof by more than twenty-five cents, the amount of tax is eight cents for each one dollar plus the amount of tax for prices twenty-six cents through ninety-nine cents in accordance with the schedule above.
(11) When the combined rate of local tax is two and three-fourths per cent:
If the price is at least But not more than The amount of the tax is
$ .01 $ .15 No tax
.16 .24 2¢
.25 .36 3¢
.37 .48 4¢
.49 .60 5¢
.61 .72 6¢
.73 .84 7¢
.85 .96 8¢
.97 1.09 9¢
1.10 1.21 10¢
1.22 1.33 11¢
1.34 1.45 12¢
1.46 1.57 13¢
1.58 1.69 14¢
1.70 1.81 15¢
1.82 1.93 16¢
1.94 2.06 17¢
2.07 2.18 18¢
2.19 2.30 19¢
2.31 2.42 20¢
2.43 2.54 21¢
2.55 2.66 22¢
2.67 2.78 23¢
2.79 2.90 24¢
2.91 3.03 25¢
3.04 3.15 26¢
3.16 3.27 27¢
3.28 3.39 28¢
3.40 3.51 29¢
3.52 3.63 30¢
3.64 3.75 31¢
3.76 3.87 32¢
3.88 4.00 33¢
If the price exceeds four dollars, the tax is thirty-three cents on each four dollars. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by not more than eleven cents, the amount of tax is thirty-three cents for each four dollars plus one cent. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by more than eleven cents but not more than twenty-four cents, the amount of tax is thirty-three cents for each four dollars plus two cents. If the price exceeds four dollars or a multiple thereof by more than twenty-four cents, the amount of tax is thirty-three cents for each four dollars plus the amount of tax for prices twenty-six cents through three dollars and ninety-nine cents in accordance with the schedule above.
(12) When the combined rate of local tax is three per cent:
If the price is at least But not more than The amount of the tax is
$ .01 $ .15 No tax
.16 .23 2¢
.24 .35 3¢
.36 .47 4¢
.48 .58 5¢
.59 .70 6¢
.71 .82 7¢
.83 .94 8¢
.95 1.05 9¢
1.06 1.17 10¢
1.18 1.29 11¢
1.30 1.41 12¢
1.42 1.52 13¢
1.53 1.64 14¢
1.65 1.76 15¢
1.77 1.88 16¢
1.89 2.00 17¢
If the price exceeds two dollars, the tax is seventeen cents on each two dollars. If the price exceeds two dollars or a multiple thereof by not more than eleven cents, the amount of tax is seventeen cents for each two dollars plus one cent. If the price exceeds two dollars or a multiple thereof by more than eleven cents but not more than twenty-three cents, the amount of tax is seventeen cents for each two dollars plus two cents. If the price exceeds two dollars or a multiple thereof by more than twenty-three cents, the amount of tax is seventeen cents for each two dollars plus the amount of tax for prices twenty-four cents through one dollar and ninety-nine cents in accordance with the schedule above.
(D) In lieu of collecting the tax pursuant to the schedules set forth in divisions (A), (B), and (C) of this section, a vendor may compute the tax on each sale as follows:
(1) On sales of fifteen cents or less, no tax shall apply.
(2) On sales in excess of fifteen cents, multiply the price by the aggregate rate of taxes in effect under sections 5739.02 and 5741.02 and sections 5739.021, 5739.023, 5739.026, 5741.021, 5741.022, and 5741.023 of the Revised Code. The computation shall be carried out to six decimal places. If the result is a fractional amount of a cent, the calculated tax shall be increased to the next highest cent and that amount shall be collected by the vendor.
(E) On and after January 1, 2006, a vendor shall compute the tax on each sale by multiplying the price by the aggregate rate of taxes in effect under sections 5739.02 and 5741.02, and sections 5739.021, 5739.023, 5739.026, 5741.021, 5741.022, and 5741.023 of the Revised Code. The computation shall be carried out to three decimal places. If the result is a fractional amount of a cent, the calculated tax shall be rounded to a whole cent using a method that rounds up to the next cent whenever the third decimal place is greater than four. A vendor may elect to compute the tax due on a transaction on an item or an invoice basis.
(F) In auditing a vendor, the tax commissioner shall consider the method prescribed by this section that was used by the vendor in determining and collecting the tax due under this chapter on taxable transactions. If the vendor correctly collects and remits the tax due under this chapter in accordance with the schedules in divisions (A), (B), and (C) of this section or in accordance with the computation prescribed in division (D) or (E) of this section, the commissioner shall not assess any additional tax on those transactions.
(G)(1) With respect to a sale of a fractional ownership program aircraft used primarily in a fractional aircraft ownership program, including all accessories attached to such aircraft, the tax shall be calculated pursuant to divisions (A) to (E) of this section, provided that the tax commissioner shall modify those calculations so that the maximum tax on each program aircraft is eight hundred dollars. In the case of a sale of a fractional interest that is less than one hundred per cent of the program aircraft, the tax charged on the transaction shall be eight hundred dollars multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the percentage of ownership or possession in the aircraft being purchased in the transaction, and the denominator of which is one hundred per cent.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the tax calculated under division (G)(1) of this section and paid with respect to the sale of a fractional ownership program aircraft used primarily in a fractional aircraft ownership program shall be credited to the general revenue fund.
Effective Date: 09-26-2003; 06-30-2005