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5739.09 Administration and allocation of lodging tax.

5739.09 Administration and allocation of lodging tax.

(A)(1) A board of county commissioners may, by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the board, levy an excise tax not to exceed three per cent on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests. The board shall establish all regulations necessary to provide for the administration and allocation of the tax. The regulations may prescribe the time for payment of the tax, and may provide for the imposition of a penalty or interest, or both, for late payments, provided that the penalty does not exceed ten per cent of the amount of tax due, and the rate at which interest accrues does not exceed the rate per annum prescribed pursuant to section 5703.47 of the Revised Code. Except as provided in divisions (A)(2), (3), (4), (5), (6), and (7) of this section, the regulations shall provide, after deducting the real and actual costs of administering the tax, for the return to each municipal corporation or township that does not levy an excise tax on the transactions, a uniform percentage of the tax collected in the municipal corporation or in the unincorporated portion of the township from each transaction, not to exceed thirty-three and one-third per cent. The remainder of the revenue arising from the tax shall be deposited in a separate fund and shall be spent solely to make contributions to the convention and visitors’ bureau operating within the county, including a pledge and contribution of any portion of the remainder pursuant to an agreement authorized by section 307.695 of the Revised Code, provided that if the board of county commissioners of an eligible county as defined in section 307.695 of the Revised Code adopts a resolution amending a resolution levying a tax under this division to provide that the revenue from the tax shall be used by the board as described in division (H) of section 307.695 of the Revised Code, the remainder of the revenue shall be used as described in the resolution making that amendment. Except as provided in division (A)(2), (3), (4), (5), (6), or (7) or (H) of this section, on and after May 10, 1994, a board of county commissioners may not levy an excise tax pursuant to this division in any municipal corporation or township located wholly or partly within the county that has in effect an ordinance or resolution levying an excise tax pursuant to division (B) of this section. The board of a county that has levied a tax under division (C) of this section may, by resolution adopted within ninety days after July 15, 1985, by a majority of the members of the board, amend the resolution levying a tax under this division to provide for a portion of that tax to be pledged and contributed in accordance with an agreement entered into under section 307.695 of the Revised Code. A tax, any revenue from which is pledged pursuant to such an agreement, shall remain in effect at the rate at which it is imposed for the duration of the period for which the revenue from the tax has been so pledged.

The board of county commissioners of an eligible county as defined in section 307.695 of the Revised Code may, by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the board, amend a resolution levying a tax under this division to provide that the revenue from the tax shall be used by the board as described in division (H) of section 307.695 of the Revised Code, in which case the tax shall remain in effect at the rate at which it was imposed for the duration of any agreement entered into by the board under section 307.695 of the Revised Code, the duration during which any securities issued by the board under that section are outstanding, or the duration of the period during which the board owns a project as defined in section 307.695 of the Revised Code, whichever duration is longest.

(2) A board of county commissioners that levies an excise tax under division (A)(1) of this section on June 30, 1997, at a rate of three per cent, and that has pledged revenue from the tax to an agreement entered into under section 307.695 of the Revised Code or, in the case of the board of county commissioners of an eligible county as defined in section 307.695 of the Revised Code, has amended a resolution levying a tax under division (C) of this section to provide that proceeds from the tax shall be used by the board as described in division (H) of section 307.695 of the Revised Code, may, at any time by a resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the board, amend the resolution levying a tax under division (A)(1) of this section to provide for an increase in the rate of that tax up to seven per cent on each transaction; to provide that revenue from the increase in the rate shall be used as described in division (H) of section 307.695 of the Revised Code or be spent solely to make contributions to the convention and visitors’ bureau operating within the county to be used specifically for promotion, advertising, and marketing of the region in which the county is located; and to provide that the rate in excess of the three per cent levied under division (A)(1) of this section shall remain in effect at the rate at which it is imposed for the duration of the period during which any agreement is in effect that was entered into under section 307.695 of the Revised Code by the board of county commissioners levying a tax under division (A)(1) of this section, the duration of the period during which any securities issued by the board under division (I) of section 307.695 of the Revised Code are outstanding, or the duration of the period during which the board owns a project as defined in section 307.695 of the Revised Code, whichever duration is longest. The amendment also shall provide that no portion of that revenue need be returned to townships or municipal corporations as would otherwise be required under division (A)(1) of this section.

(3) A board of county commissioners that levies a tax under division (A)(1) of this section on March 18, 1999, at a rate of three per cent may, by resolution adopted not later than forty-five days after March 18, 1999, amend the resolution levying the tax to provide for all of the following:

(a) That the rate of the tax shall be increased by not more than an additional four per cent on each transaction;

(b) That all of the revenue from the increase in the rate shall be pledged and contributed to a convention facilities authority established by the board of county commissioners under Chapter 351. of the Revised Code on or before November 15, 1998, and used to pay costs of constructing, maintaining, operating, and promoting a facility in the county, including paying bonds, or notes issued in anticipation of bonds, as provided by that chapter;

(c) That no portion of the revenue arising from the increase in rate need be returned to municipal corporations or townships as otherwise required under division (A)(1) of this section;

(d) That the increase in rate shall not be subject to diminution by initiative or referendum or by law while any bonds, or notes in anticipation of bonds, issued by the authority under Chapter 351. of the Revised Code to which the revenue is pledged, remain outstanding in accordance with their terms, unless provision is made by law or by the board of county commissioners for an adequate substitute therefor that is satisfactory to the trustee if a trust agreement secures the bonds.

Division (A)(3) of this section does not apply to the board of county commissioners of any county in which a convention center or facility exists or is being constructed on November 15, 1998, or of any county in which a convention facilities authority levies a tax pursuant to section 351.021 of the Revised Code on that date.

As used in division (A)(3) of this section, “cost” and “facility” have the same meanings as in section 351.01 of the Revised Code, and “convention center” has the same meaning as in section 307.695 of the Revised Code.

(4)(a) A board of county commissioners that levies a tax under division (A)(1) of this section on June 30, 2002, at a rate of three per cent may, by resolution adopted not later than September 30, 2002, amend the resolution levying the tax to provide for all of the following:

(i) That the rate of the tax shall be increased by not more than an additional three and one-half per cent on each transaction;

(ii) That all of the revenue from the increase in rate shall be pledged and contributed to a convention facilities authority established by the board of county commissioners under Chapter 351. of the Revised Code on or before May 15, 2002, and be used to pay costs of constructing, expanding, maintaining, operating, or promoting a convention center in the county, including paying bonds, or notes issued in anticipation of bonds, as provided by that chapter;

(iii) That no portion of the revenue arising from the increase in rate need be returned to municipal corporations or townships as otherwise required under division (A)(1) of this section;

(iv) That the increase in rate shall not be subject to diminution by initiative or referendum or by law while any bonds, or notes in anticipation of bonds, issued by the authority under Chapter 351. of the Revised Code to which the revenue is pledged, remain outstanding in accordance with their terms, unless provision is made by law or by the board of county commissioners for an adequate substitute therefor that is satisfactory to the trustee if a trust agreement secures the bonds.

(b) Any board of county commissioners that, pursuant to division (A)(4)(a) of this section, has amended a resolution levying the tax authorized by division (A)(1) of this section may further amend the resolution to provide that the revenue referred to in division (A)(4)(a)(ii) of this section shall be pledged and contributed both to a convention facilities authority to pay the costs of constructing, expanding, maintaining, or operating one or more convention centers in the county, including paying bonds, or notes issued in anticipation of bonds, as provided in Chapter 351. of the Revised Code, and to a convention and visitors’ bureau to pay the costs of promoting one or more convention centers in the county.

As used in division (A)(4) of this section, “cost” has the same meaning as in section 351.01 of the Revised Code, and “convention center” has the same meaning as in section 307.695 of the Revised Code.

(5)(a) As used in division (A)(5) of this section:

(i) “Port authority” means a port authority created under Chapter 4582. of the Revised Code.

(ii) “Port authority military-use facility” means port authority facilities on which or adjacent to which is located an installation of the armed forces of the United States, a reserve component thereof, or the national guard and at least part of which is made available for use, for consideration, by the armed forces of the United States, a reserve component thereof, or the national guard.

(b) For the purpose of contributing revenue to pay operating expenses of a port authority that operates a port authority military-use facility, the board of county commissioners of a county that created, participated in the creation of, or has joined such a port authority may do one or both of the following:

(i) Amend a resolution previously adopted under division (A)(1) of this section to designate some or all of the revenue from the tax levied under the resolution to be used for that purpose, notwithstanding that division;

(ii) Amend a resolution previously adopted under division (A)(1) of this section to increase the rate of the tax by not more than an additional two per cent and use the revenue from the increase exclusively for that purpose.

(c) If a board of county commissioners amends a resolution to increase the rate of a tax as authorized in division (A)(5)(b)(ii) of this section, the board also may amend the resolution to specify that the increase in rate of the tax does not apply to “hotels,” as otherwise defined in section 5739.01 of the Revised Code, having fewer rooms used for the accommodation of guests than a number of rooms specified by the board.

(6) A board of county commissioners of a county organized under a county charter adopted pursuant to Article X, Section 3, Ohio Constitution, and that levies an excise tax under division (A)(1) of this section at a rate of three per cent and levies an additional excise tax under division (E) of this section at a rate of one and one-half per cent may, by resolution adopted not later than January 1, 2008, by a majority of the members of the board, amend the resolution levying a tax under division (A)(1) of this section to provide for an increase in the rate of that tax by not more than an additional one per cent on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests. Notwithstanding divisions (A)(1) and (E) of this section, the resolution shall provide that all of the revenue from the increase in rate, after deducting the real and actual costs of administering the tax, shall be used to pay the costs of improving, expanding, equipping, financing, or operating a convention center by a convention and visitors’ bureau in the county. The increase in rate shall remain in effect for the period specified in the resolution, not to exceed ten years. The increase in rate shall be subject to the regulations adopted under division (A)(1) of this section, except that the resolution may provide that no portion of the revenue from the increase in the rate shall be returned to townships or municipal corporations as would otherwise be required under that division.

(7) Division (A)(7) of this section applies only to a county with a population greater than sixty-five thousand and less than seventy thousand according to the most recent federal decennial census and in which, on December 31, 2006, an excise tax is levied under division (A)(1) of this section at a rate not less than and not greater than three per cent, and in which the most recent increase in the rate of that tax was enacted or took effect in November 1984.

The board of county commissioners of a county to which this division applies, by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the board, may increase the rate of the tax by not more than one per cent on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests. The increase in rate shall be for the purpose of paying expenses deemed necessary by the convention and visitors’ bureau operating in the county to promote travel and tourism. The increase in rate shall remain in effect for the period specified in the resolution, not to exceed twenty years, provided that the increase in rate may not continue beyond the time when the purpose for which the increase is levied ceases to exist. If revenue from the increase in rate is pledged to the payment of debt charges on securities, the increase in rate is not subject to diminution by initiative or referendum or by law for so long as the securities are outstanding, unless provision is made by law or by the board of county commissioners for an adequate substitute for that revenue that is satisfactory to the trustee if a trust agreement secures payment of the debt charges. The increase in rate shall be subject to the regulations adopted under division (A)(1) of this section, except that the resolution may provide that no portion of the revenue from the increase in the rate shall be returned to townships or municipal corporations as would otherwise be required under division (A)(1) of this section. A resolution adopted under division (A)(7) of this section is subject to referendum under sections 305.31 to 305.99 of the Revised Code.

(B)(1) The legislative authority of a municipal corporation or the board of trustees of a township that is not wholly or partly located in a county that has in effect a resolution levying an excise tax pursuant to division (A)(1) of this section may, by ordinance or resolution, levy an excise tax not to exceed three per cent on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests. The legislative authority of the municipal corporation or the board of trustees of the township shall deposit at least fifty per cent of the revenue from the tax levied pursuant to this division into a separate fund, which shall be spent solely to make contributions to convention and visitors’ bureaus operating within the county in which the municipal corporation or township is wholly or partly located, and the balance of that revenue shall be deposited in the general fund. The municipal corporation or township shall establish all regulations necessary to provide for the administration and allocation of the tax. The regulations may prescribe the time for payment of the tax, and may provide for the imposition of a penalty or interest, or both, for late payments, provided that the penalty does not exceed ten per cent of the amount of tax due, and the rate at which interest accrues does not exceed the rate per annum prescribed pursuant to section 5703.47 of the Revised Code. The levy of a tax under this division is in addition to any tax imposed on the same transaction by a municipal corporation or a township as authorized by division (A) of section 5739.08 of the Revised Code.

(2)(a) The legislative authority of the most populous municipal corporation located wholly or partly in a county in which the board of county commissioners has levied a tax under division (A)(4) of this section may amend, on or before September 30, 2002, that municipal corporation’s ordinance or resolution that levies an excise tax on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests, to provide for all of the following:

(i) That the rate of the tax shall be increased by not more than an additional one per cent on each transaction;

(ii) That all of the revenue from the increase in rate shall be pledged and contributed to a convention facilities authority established by the board of county commissioners under Chapter 351. of the Revised Code on or before May 15, 2002, and be used to pay costs of constructing, expanding, maintaining, operating, or promoting a convention center in the county, including paying bonds, or notes issued in anticipation of bonds, as provided by that chapter;

(iii) That the increase in rate shall not be subject to diminution by initiative or referendum or by law while any bonds, or notes in anticipation of bonds, issued by the authority under Chapter 351. of the Revised Code to which the revenue is pledged, remain outstanding in accordance with their terms, unless provision is made by law, by the board of county commissioners, or by the legislative authority, for an adequate substitute therefor that is satisfactory to the trustee if a trust agreement secures the bonds.

(b) The legislative authority of a municipal corporation that, pursuant to division (B)(2)(a) of this section, has amended its ordinance or resolution to increase the rate of the tax authorized by division (B)(1) of this section may further amend the ordinance or resolution to provide that the revenue referred to in division (B)(2)(a)(ii) of this section shall be pledged and contributed both to a convention facilities authority to pay the costs of constructing, expanding, maintaining, or operating one or more convention centers in the county, including paying bonds, or notes issued in anticipation of bonds, as provided in Chapter 351. of the Revised Code, and to a convention and visitors’ bureau to pay the costs of promoting one or more convention centers in the county.

As used in division (B)(2) of this section, “cost” has the same meaning as in section 351.01 of the Revised Code, and “convention center” has the same meaning as in section 307.695 of the Revised Code.

(C) For the purposes described in section 307.695 of the Revised Code and to cover the costs of administering the tax, a board of county commissioners of a county where a tax imposed under division (A)(1) of this section is in effect may, by resolution adopted within ninety days after July 15, 1985, by a majority of the members of the board, levy an additional excise tax not to exceed three per cent on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests. The tax authorized by this division shall be in addition to any tax that is levied pursuant to division (A) of this section, but it shall not apply to transactions subject to a tax levied by a municipal corporation or township pursuant to the authorization granted by division (A) of section 5739.08 of the Revised Code. The board shall establish all regulations necessary to provide for the administration and allocation of the tax. The regulations may prescribe the time for payment of the tax, and may provide for the imposition of a penalty or interest, or both, for late payments, provided that the penalty does not exceed ten per cent of the amount of tax due, and the rate at which interest accrues does not exceed the rate per annum prescribed pursuant to section 5703.47 of the Revised Code. All revenues arising from the tax shall be expended in accordance with section 307.695 of the Revised Code. The board of county commissioners of an eligible county as defined in section 307.695 of the Revised Code may, by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the board, amend the resolution levying a tax under this division to provide that the revenue from the tax shall be used by the board as described in division (H) of section 307.695 of the Revised Code. A tax imposed under this division shall remain in effect at the rate at which it is imposed for the duration of the period during which any agreement entered into by the board under section 307.695 of the Revised Code is in effect, the duration of the period during which any securities issued by the board under division (I) of section 307.695 of the Revised Code are outstanding, or the duration of the period during which the board owns a project as defined in section 307.695 of the Revised Code, whichever duration is longest.

(D) For the purpose of providing contributions under division (B)(1) of section 307.671 of the Revised Code to enable the acquisition, construction, and equipping of a port authority educational and cultural facility in the county and, to the extent provided for in the cooperative agreement authorized by that section, for the purpose of paying debt service charges on bonds, or notes in anticipation of bonds, described in division (B)(1)(b) of that section, a board of county commissioners, by resolution adopted within ninety days after December 22, 1992, by a majority of the members of the board, may levy an additional excise tax not to exceed one and one-half per cent on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests. The excise tax authorized by this division shall be in addition to any tax that is levied pursuant to divisions (A), (B), and (C) of this section, to any excise tax levied pursuant to section 5739.08 of the Revised Code, and to any excise tax levied pursuant to section 351.021 of the Revised Code. The board of county commissioners shall establish all regulations necessary to provide for the administration and allocation of the tax that are not inconsistent with this section or section 307.671 of the Revised Code. The regulations may prescribe the time for payment of the tax, and may provide for the imposition of a penalty or interest, or both, for late payments, provided that the penalty does not exceed ten per cent of the amount of tax due, and the rate at which interest accrues does not exceed the rate per annum prescribed pursuant to section 5703.47 of the Revised Code. All revenues arising from the tax shall be expended in accordance with section 307.671 of the Revised Code and division (D) of this section. The levy of a tax imposed under this division may not commence prior to the first day of the month next following the execution of the cooperative agreement authorized by section 307.671 of the Revised Code by all parties to that agreement. The tax shall remain in effect at the rate at which it is imposed for the period of time described in division (C) of section 307.671 of the Revised Code for which the revenue from the tax has been pledged by the county to the corporation pursuant to that section, but, to any extent provided for in the cooperative agreement, for no lesser period than the period of time required for payment of the debt service charges on bonds, or notes in anticipation of bonds, described in division (B)(1)(b) of that section. (E) For the purpose of paying the costs of acquiring, constructing, equipping, and improving a municipal educational and cultural facility, including debt service charges on bonds provided for in division (B) of section 307.672 of the Revised Code, and for any additional purposes determined by the county in the resolution levying the tax or amendments to the resolution, including subsequent amendments providing for paying costs of acquiring, constructing, renovating, rehabilitating, equipping, and improving a port authority educational and cultural performing arts facility, as defined in section 307.674 of the Revised Code, and including debt service charges on bonds provided for in division (B) of section 307.674 of the Revised Code, the legislative authority of a county, by resolution adopted within ninety days after June 30, 1993, by a majority of the members of the legislative authority, may levy an additional excise tax not to exceed one and one-half per cent on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests. The excise tax authorized by this division shall be in addition to any tax that is levied pursuant to divisions (A), (B), (C), and (D) of this section, to any excise tax levied pursuant to section 5739.08 of the Revised Code, and to any excise tax levied pursuant to section 351.021 of the Revised Code. The legislative authority of the county shall establish all regulations necessary to provide for the administration and allocation of the tax. The regulations may prescribe the time for payment of the tax, and may provide for the imposition of a penalty or interest, or both, for late payments, provided that the penalty does not exceed ten per cent of the amount of tax due, and the rate at which interest accrues does not exceed the rate per annum prescribed pursuant to section 5703.47 of the Revised Code. All revenues arising from the tax shall be expended in accordance with section 307.672 of the Revised Code and this division. The levy of a tax imposed under this division shall not commence prior to the first day of the month next following the execution of the cooperative agreement authorized by section 307.672 of the Revised Code by all parties to that agreement. The tax shall remain in effect at the rate at which it is imposed for the period of time determined by the legislative authority of the county. That period of time shall not exceed fifteen years, except that the legislative authority of a county with a population of less than two hundred fifty thousand according to the most recent federal decennial census, by resolution adopted by a majority of its members before the original tax expires, may extend the duration of the tax for an additional period of time. The additional period of time by which a legislative authority extends a tax levied under this division shall not exceed fifteen years.

(F) The legislative authority of a county that has levied a tax under division (E) of this section may, by resolution adopted within one hundred eighty days after January 4, 2001, by a majority of the members of the legislative authority, amend the resolution levying a tax under that division to provide for the use of the proceeds of that tax, to the extent that it is no longer needed for its original purpose as determined by the parties to a cooperative agreement amendment pursuant to division (D) of section 307.672 of the Revised Code, to pay costs of acquiring, constructing, renovating, rehabilitating, equipping, and improving a port authority educational and cultural performing arts facility, including debt service charges on bonds provided for in division (B) of section 307.674 of the Revised Code, and to pay all obligations under any guaranty agreements, reimbursement agreements, or other credit enhancement agreements described in division (C) of section 307.674 of the Revised Code. The resolution may also provide for the extension of the tax at the same rate for the longer of the period of time determined by the legislative authority of the county, but not to exceed an additional twenty-five years, or the period of time required to pay all debt service charges on bonds provided for in division (B) of section 307.672 of the Revised Code and on port authority revenue bonds provided for in division (B) of section 307.674 of the Revised Code. All revenues arising from the amendment and extension of the tax shall be expended in accordance with section 307.674 of the Revised Code, this division, and division (E) of this section.

(G) For purposes of a tax levied by a county, township, or municipal corporation under this section or section 5739.08 of the Revised Code, a board of county commissioners, board of township trustees, or the legislative authority of a municipal corporation may adopt a resolution or ordinance at any time specifying that “hotel,” as otherwise defined in section 5739.01 of the Revised Code, includes the following:

(1) Establishments in which fewer than five rooms are used for the accommodation of guests.

(2)Establishments at which rooms are used for the accommodation of guests regardless of whether each room is accessible through its own keyed entry or several rooms are accessible through the same keyed entry; and, in determining the number of rooms, all rooms are included regardless of the number of structures in which the rooms are situated or the number of parcels of land on which the structures are located if the structures are under the same ownership and the structures are not identified in advertisements of the accommodations as distinct establishments. For the purposes of division (G)(2) of this section, two or more structures are under the same ownership if they are owned by the same person, or if they are owned by two or more persons the majority of the ownership interests of which are owned by the same person.

The resolution or ordinance may apply to a tax imposed pursuant to this section prior to the adoption of the resolution or ordinance if the resolution or ordinance so states, but the tax shall not apply to transactions by which lodging by such an establishment is provided to transient guests prior to the adoption of the resolution or ordinance. (H)(1) As used in this division:

(a)”Convention facilities authority” has the same meaning as in section 351.01 of the Revised Code.

(b)”Convention center” has the same meaning as in section 307.695 of the Revised Code.

(2) Notwithstanding any contrary provision of division (D) of this section, the legislative authority of a county with a population of one million or more according to the most recent federal decennial census that has levied a tax under division (D) of this section may, by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the legislative authority, provide for the extension of such levy and may provide that the proceeds of that tax, to the extent that they are no longer needed for their original purpose as defined by a cooperative agreement entered into under section 307.671 of the Revised Code, shall be deposited into the county general revenue fund. The resolution shall provide for the extension of the tax at a rate not to exceed the rate specified in division (D) of this section for a period of time determined by the legislative authority of the county, but not to exceed an additional forty years.

(3) The legislative authority of a county with a population of one million or more that has levied a tax under division (A)(1) of this section may, by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the legislative authority, increase the rate of the tax levied by such county under division (A)(1) of this section to a rate not to exceed five per cent on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of division (A)(1) of this section, the resolution may provide that all collections resulting from the rate levied in excess of three per cent, after deducting the real and actual costs of administering the tax, shall be deposited in the county general fund.

(4) The legislative authority of a county with a population of one million or more that has levied a tax under division (A)(1) of this section may, by resolution adopted on or before August 30, 2004, by a majority of the members of the legislative authority, provide that all or a portion of the proceeds of the tax levied under division (A)(1) of this section, after deducting the real and actual costs of administering the tax and the amounts required to be returned to townships and municipal corporations with respect to the first three per cent levied under division (A)(1) of this section, shall be deposited in the county general fund, provided that such proceeds shall be used to satisfy any pledges made in connection with an agreement entered into under section 307.695 of the Revised Code.

(5) No amount collected from a tax levied, extended, or required to be deposited in the county general fund under division (H) of this section shall be contributed to a convention facilities authority, corporation, or other entity created after July 1, 2003, for the principal purpose of constructing, improving, expanding, equipping, financing, or operating a convention center unless the mayor of the municipal corporation in which the convention center is to be operated by that convention facilities authority, corporation, or other entity has consented to the creation of that convention facilities authority, corporation, or entity. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of section 351.04 of the Revised Code, if a tax is levied by a county under division (H) of this section, the board of county commissioners of that county may determine the manner of selection, the qualifications, the number, and terms of office of the members of the board of directors of any convention facilities authority, corporation, or other entity described in division (H)(5) of this section.

(6)(a) No amount collected from a tax levied, extended, or required to be deposited in the county general fund under division (H) of this section may be used for any purpose other than paying the direct and indirect costs of constructing, improving, expanding, equipping, financing, or operating a convention center and for the real and actual costs of administering the tax, unless, prior to the adoption of the resolution of the legislative authority of the county authorizing the levy, extension, increase, or deposit, the county and the mayor of the most populous municipal corporation in that county have entered into an agreement as to the use of such amounts, provided that such agreement has been approved by a majority of the mayors of the other municipal corporations in that county. The agreement shall provide that the amounts to be used for purposes other than paying the convention center or administrative costs described in division (H)(6)(a) of this section be used only for the direct and indirect costs of capital improvements, including the financing of capital improvements.

(b) If the county in which the tax is levied has an association of mayors and city managers, the approval of that association of an agreement described in division (H)(6)(a) of this section shall be considered to be the approval of the majority of the mayors of the other municipal corporations for purposes of that division.

(7) Each year, the auditor of state shall conduct an audit of the uses of any amounts collected from taxes levied, extended, or deposited under division (H) of this section and shall prepare a report of the auditor of state’s findings. The auditor of state shall submit the report to the legislative authority of the county that has levied, extended, or deposited the tax, the speaker of the house of representatives, the president of the senate, and the leaders of the minority parties of the house of representatives and the senate. (I)(1) As used in this division:

(a)”Convention facilities authority” has the same meaning as in section 351.01 of the Revised Code.

(b)”Convention center” has the same meaning as in section 307.695 of the Revised Code.

(2) Notwithstanding any contrary provision of division (D) of this section, the legislative authority of a county with a population of one million two hundred thousand or more according to the most recent federal decennial census or the most recent annual population estimate published or released by the United States census bureau at the time the resolution is adopted placing the levy on the ballot, that has levied a tax under division (D) of this section may, by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the legislative authority, provide for the extension of such levy and may provide that the proceeds of that tax, to the extent that the proceeds are no longer needed for their original purpose as defined by a cooperative agreement entered into under section 307.671 of the Revised Code and after deducting the real and actual costs of administering the tax, shall be used for paying the direct and indirect costs of constructing, improving, expanding, equipping, financing, or operating a convention center. The resolution shall provide for the extension of the tax at a rate not to exceed the rate specified in division (D) of this section for a period of time determined by the legislative authority of the county, but not to exceed an additional forty years.

(3) The legislative authority of a county with a population of one million two hundred thousand or more that has levied a tax under division (A)(1) of this section may, by resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the legislative authority, increase the rate of the tax levied by such county under division (A)(1) of this section to a rate not to exceed five per cent on transactions by which lodging by a hotel is or is to be furnished to transient guests. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of division (A)(1) of this section, the resolution shall provide that all collections resulting from the rate levied in excess of three per cent, after deducting the real and actual costs of administering the tax, shall be used for paying the direct and indirect costs of constructing, improving, expanding, equipping, financing, or operating a convention center.

(4) The legislative authority of a county with a population of one million two hundred thousand or more that has levied a tax under division (A)(1) of this section may, by resolution adopted on or before July 1, 2008, by a majority of the members of the legislative authority, provide that all or a portion of the proceeds of the tax levied under division (A)(1) of this section, after deducting the real and actual costs of administering the tax and the amounts required to be returned to townships and municipal corporations with respect to the first three per cent levied under division (A)(1) of this section, shall be used to satisfy any pledges made in connection with an agreement entered into under section 307.695 of the Revised Code or shall otherwise be used for paying the direct and indirect costs of constructing, improving, expanding, equipping, financing, or operating a convention center.

(5) Any amount collected from a tax levied or extended under division (I) of this section may be contributed to a convention facilities authority created before July 1, 2005, but no amount collected from a tax levied or extended under division (I) of this section may be contributed to a convention facilities authority, corporation, or other entity created after July 1, 2005, unless the mayor of the municipal corporation in which the convention center is to be operated by that convention facilities authority, corporation, or other entity has consented to the creation of that convention facilities authority, corporation, or entity.

Amended by 128th General Assembly File No. 9, HB 1, § 101.01, eff. 10/16/2009.

Effective Date: 09-26-2003; 09-29-2005; 2006 HB699 12-28-2006; 2007 HB119 06-30-2007; 2008 HB562 09-22-2008

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