(A) No person, including any officer, employee, or trustee of a corporation or business trust, shall fail to file any return or report required to be filed by this chapter, or file or cause to be filed any incomplete, false or fraudulent return, report, or statement, or aid or abet another in the filing of any false or fraudulent return, report, or statement.
(B) If any vendor required to file monthly returns under section 5739.12 of the Revised Code fails, on two consecutive months or on three or more months within a twelve-month period, to file such returns when due or to pay the tax thereon, or if any vendor authorized by the tax commissioner to file semiannual returns fails on two or more occasions within a twenty-four month period, to file such returns when due or to pay the tax due thereon, the commissioner may do any of the following:
(1) Require the vendor to furnish security in an amount equal to the average tax liability of the vendor for a period of one year, as determined by the commissioner from a review of returns or other information pertaining to the vendor, which amount shall in no event be less than one thousand dollars. The security may be in the form of a corporate surety bond, satisfactory to the commissioner, conditioned upon payment of the tax due with the returns from the vendor. The security shall be filed within ten days following the vendor’s receipt of the notice from the commissioner of its requirements.
(2) Suspend the license issued to the vendor pursuant to section 5739.17 of the Revised Code. The suspension shall be effective ten days after service of written notice to the vendor of the commissioner’s intention to do so. The notice shall be served upon the vendor personally or by certified mail. On the first day of the suspension, the commissioner shall cause to be posted, at every public entrance of the vendor’s premises, a notice identifying the vendor and the location and informing the public that the vendor’s license is under suspension and that no retail sales may be transacted at that location. No person, other than the commissioner or the commissioner’s agent or employee, shall remove, cover, or deface the posted notice. No license which has been suspended under this section shall be reinstated, and no posted notice shall be removed, until the vendor has filed complete and correct returns for all periods in which no return had been filed and paid the full amount of the tax, penalties, and other charges due on those returns.
A corporate surety bond filed under this section shall be returned to the vendor if, for a period of twelve consecutive months following the date the bond was filed, the vendor has filed all returns and remitted payment with them within the time prescribed in section 5739.12 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 09-29-2000