The funeral director employed to perform the service described by section 5901.25 of the Revised Code shall use the blanks provided by this section, specifying what the funeral director is to furnish for the service. The contract shall be signed by the funeral director and a copy thereof left with the veterans service commission with which it is made. Such contract shall read as follows:
“I …............., funeral director, residing at ….............. hereby agree to furnish the following items for the burial or cremation (circle one) of …............, who resided at …................, and died …............, ........., which shall consist of:
(A) One casket, nicely covered with a good quality of black cloth, lined with a good quality of white satin or other material, and trimmed on the outside with handles of a fair quality in keeping with the casket;
(B) One burial robe of a good quality of material;
(C) One plain box appropriate for receiving the coffin or urn containing cremated remains inside the grave;
(D) Payment for digging the grave, in the place designated by the friends of the deceased or as otherwise provided, and for filling the grave in a proper manner;
(E) Furnishing a funeral car for conveying the remains to the place of burial or crematory;
(F) Preparing the body for burial when so requested;
(G) Furnishing necessary transportation for the use of the family, friends, and pallbearers, which people shall be returned to their respective homes or to the place where the funeral services were held;
(H) Furnishing a decent, respectable funeral, for the sum of …... dollars.”
Effective Date: 05-09-2000