The chief of the division of soldiers’ claims and veterans affairs may establish such committees as he considers necessary to enable the placement at appropriate improved roadside rest areas along highways of the interstate system or the primary system of memorial markers honoring those Ohio residents who are listed by the United States department of defense as a prisoner of war or missing in action from the Korean conflict or the Vietnam conflict.
The committee shall do the following:
(A) Compile a list of Ohio residents who are listed as prisoners of war or missing in action from the Korean conflict or the Vietnam conflict;
(B) Design a memorial marker that, subject to approval by the director of transportation, shall be used uniformly throughout the state at the appropriate rest areas;
(C) Coordinate its efforts with any veterans organization in this state that is incorporated and issued a charter by the congress of the United States or is recognized by the United States department of veterans affairs, or is an auxiliary organization of such a veterans organization;
(D) At the time a marker is installed at a roadside rest area, coordinate a dedication ceremony to honor the persons memorialized at the rest area.
Effective Date: 09-29-1992