If the director of environmental protection refuses to renew or extend the period of a permit to a governmental agency or person operating a disposal system which receives sewage from a residential area, for the reason that the permit holder has failed to comply with an order of the director and has been in default for a period of at least one hundred eighty days, and the director finds that the former permit holder is creating a public nuisance under section 6111.04 of the Revised Code which adversely affects residents of a political subdivision, other than the one served by the disposal system which is in default, by affecting the properties of waters of the state in a manner which renders such waters harmful or inimical to the public health, animal or aquatic life, or the use of such waters for domestic water supply, industrial or agricultural purposes, or for recreation, the director may request the Ohio water development authority to establish a waste water facilities service area for the purpose of eliminating such nuisance. Upon receipt of the request the authority may issue orders designating a waste water facilities service area. The area shall include the waste water facilities of one or more former permit holders who are in default and the waste water facilities of all persons or governmental agencies served by such facilities, and may include any contiguous territory not served by waste water facilities that the authority determines to be desirable to include in the area in order to achieve the most efficient and economical waste disposal and treatment in the area, and any other governmental agency or person that enters an agreement with the authority to join. The order may not include facilities or territory served by waste water facilities which are in compliance with the orders of the board and the terms and conditions of a permit unless agreed to by the person or governmental agency holding the permit. In determining the areas to be served and designing facilities therefor, the authority shall consider technical feasibility and economic reasonableness in order to conserve water resources, maximize the economies of scale of regional or combined treatment facilities, and attain applicable water quality standards at reasonable cost. The authority may modify or revoke its orders in order to achieve the purposes of this section.
Before issuing, modifying, or revoking any such order, the authority shall hold a public hearing within the area and give at least twenty-one days notice of the hearing and a copy of the proposed order or changes thereto to the chief executive and fiscal officer of each governmental agency and each other person subject to a proposed rate, rental, or charge. The order may fix and impose rates, rentals, or charges upon the users of, or the persons or property served by, a waste water facility or project, or upon any governmental agency or person in the area for the provision of waste water facilities services to the governmental agency or person by the authority. Such rates, rentals, or charges shall be sufficient to cover all costs, including the recovery of the capital costs and debt service expenses of the authority for waste water facility services in the area, and any debt service on obligations in effect at the time of the order. No portion of the cost of acquisition of a waste water facility by appropriation may be charged against the governmental agency from which the facility was acquired. The authority may recover a portion of such acquisition cost from the users served and property benefited by the facility at the time of acquisition. The authority shall determine the portion of such cost to be recovered from users served and property benefited at the time of acquisition on the basis of the volume and degree of treatment of sewage, industrial wastes, and other wastes from such users and property, in relation to the volume and degree of treatment of sewage, industrial waste, and other wastes from other parts of the waste water facilities service area. The order may impose any terms and conditions in the area that the authority deems necessary for the provision of such services. The authority shall mail a copy of any order or change thereto made under this section to the chief executive and fiscal officer of each governmental agency and each other person served or affected.
Each governmental agency or person subject to a rate, rental, or charge shall pay the charges when due in accordance with the order. Every officer responsible for the administration or operation of a waste water facility subject to such order and every employee thereof shall carry out the order.
The authority may appropriate property within a waste water facilities service area, including government owned waste water facilities, in accordance with Chapter 163. of the Revised Code, if the authority considers such appropriation necessary for carrying out the purposes of this section. No person shall interfere with an officer or employee of the Ohio water development authority in the care and operation of a waste water facility appropriated by the authority.
The consideration received by a governmental agency for its property which is appropriated under this section shall be placed in a separate fund which may be used by its legislative authority or governing body only for one or more of the following purposes:
(A) Credits against rates, rentals, or other charges imposed by the authority upon the agency, the users served, and property benefited by the facility, or against rates, rentals, and other charges imposed by the agency against the users served and property benefited by the facility;
(B) Construction or improvement of waste water facilities by the agency or the authority.
Effective Date: 10-23-1972