The board of county commissioners may hear and determine at the same time and under one petition, upon proper averments, the following questions:
(A) The locating of a new ditch, drain, or watercourse, or one partly old and partly new, or one partly open and partly tiled;
(B) The deepening, widening, straightening, boxing, tiling, or changing of the route or course of, or the altering in any manner of, an old ditch, drain, or watercourse;
(C) The connecting into a single system of two or more improvements.
The board, on application of owners interested or at its own discretion, may consolidate and treat as a petition for one improvement petitions pending at the same time for two or more separate improvements which connect with each other, or which serve common territory, or which can readily be combined into one system. In case of such consolidation, the board shall enter its action upon its journal, and, if necessary, it shall order the county engineer to re-estimate and make such further reports and schedules as are necessary upon its order consolidating the improvements. If two or more improvements are consolidated, the proceedings after the consolidation shall be the same as if all the matters were petitioned for in one petition.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953