At the final hearing, or at such time to which said hearing is adjourned to hear claims for compensation or damages, the board of county commissioners shall hear any competent evidence offered by any of the interested owners upon the engineer’s estimate of damages and upon any claim filed for compensation or damages. Upon consideration of all the evidence, including the county engineer’s schedule of estimated damages, and a view of the premises, if it desires such view, the board shall find and determine the amount of damages to which any owner is entitled, and shall also determine the fair value of any land or any other property to be taken for said improvement. The board shall enter its findings in its journal, and shall authorize the county auditor to issue his warrants upon the county treasurer of the county in which the land is located, payable from the general drainage improvement fund, to such claimants for such amounts, which amounts so determined shall be paid before any work on the proposed improvement is done. An appeal may be taken by any claimant from the order of the board refusing the allowance of compensation or damages, and an appeal may be taken by any claimant from an order allowing compensation or damages if, in his opinion, the amount awarded is less than the actual damages sustained, or less than the fair value of the land or other property necessary to be taken. Such appeal shall be taken and perfected as provided in sections 6131.01 to 6131.64, inclusive, of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 08-23-1957