(A) Every workforce policy board, with the agreement of the chief elected officials of the local area, and after holding public hearings that allow public comment and testimony, shall prepare a workforce development plan. The plan shall accomplish all of the following:
(1) Identify the workforce investment needs of businesses in the local area, identify projected employment opportunities, and identify the job skills necessary to obtain those opportunities;
(2) Identify the local area’s workforce development needs for youth, dislocated workers, adults, displaced homemakers, incumbent workers, and any other group of workers identified by the workforce policy board;
(3) Determine the distribution of workforce development resources and funding to be distributed for each workforce development activity to meet the identified needs, utilizing the funds allocated pursuant to the “Workforce Investment Act of 1998,” 112 Stat. 936, 29 U.S.C.A. 2801, as amended;
(4) Give priority to youth receiving independent living services pursuant to sections 2151.81 to 2151.84 of the Revised Code when determining distribution of workforce development resources and workforce development activity funding;
(5) Review the minimum curriculum required by the state workforce policy board for certifying training providers and identify any additional curriculum requirements to include in contracts between the training providers and the chief elected officials of the local area;
(6) Establish performance standards for service providers that reflect local workforce development needs;
(7) Describe any other information the chief elected officials of the local area require.
(B) A workforce policy board may provide policy guidance and recommendations to the chief elected officials of a local area for any workforce development activities.
(C) Nothing in this section prohibits the chief elected officials of a local area from assigning, through a partnership agreement, any duties in addition to the duties under this section to a workforce policy board, except that a workforce policy board cannot contract with itself for the direct provision of services in its local area. A workforce policy board may consult with the chief elected officials of its local area and make recommendations regarding the workforce development activities provided in its local area at any time.
Effective Date: 09-26-2003