(A) All ordinances or resolutions shall be in effect after thirty days from the date of their passage, except as provided in section 705.75 of the Revised Code.
(B) Notwithstanding any conflicting provision of section 7.12 of the Revised Code, each ordinance and resolution of a general nature, or providing for public improvements, or assessing property, or a succinct summary of each such ordinance or resolution, shall, upon passage of the ordinance or resolution, be promptly published one time in not more than two newspapers of general circulation in the municipal corporation. Such publication shall be made in the body type of the paper under headlines in eighteen point type, which headlines shall specify the nature of such legislation. If a summary of an ordinance or resolution is published, the publication shall contain notice that the complete text of each such ordinance or resolution may be obtained or viewed at the office of the clerk of the legislative authority of the municipal corporation and may be viewed at any other location designated by the legislative authority of the municipal corporation. The city director of law, village solicitor, or other chief legal officer of the municipal corporation shall review any summary of an ordinance or resolution published under this section prior to forwarding it to the clerk for publication, to ensure that the summary is legally accurate and sufficient.
(C) Upon publication of a summary of an ordinance or resolution in accordance with this section, the clerk of the legislative authority shall supply a copy of the complete text of each such ordinance or resolution to any person, upon request, and may charge a reasonable fee, set by the legislative authority, for each copy supplied. The clerk shall post a copy of the text at his office and at every other location designated by the legislative authority.
(D) No newspaper shall be paid a higher price for the publication of ordinances than its maximum bona fide commercial rate.
Effective Date: 05-22-1986