The city manager shall receive such salary as is fixed by the council of the municipal corporation. Such part of the salary of the city manager as the council deems proper shall be paid from the income of any publicly owned utility operated by such municipal corporation, or from any public cemetery. The part of the salary of the city manager so paid shall be fixed by the council with reference to the proportion of his time devoted to such utility. Before entering upon the duties of his office, the city manager shall take the oath required by section 705.28 of the Revised Code and shall execute a bond in favor of the municipal corporation for the faithful performance of his duties, in such sum as is fixed by the council. The city manager shall be furnished with the corporate seal of the municipal corporation, in the center of which shall be engraved the coat of arms of the state, as described in section 5.04 of the Revised Code, and around the edge of which shall be the words, “Manager of the city of. . . . . . . . . .,” or “Manager of the village of . . . . . . . . . . . ., state of Ohio.”
Effective Date: 10-01-1953