Upon the filing of the application and the giving of notice, as required in sections 711.34 and 711.35 of the Revised Code, the board of county commissioners shall forthwith employ a competent surveyor, who, after being sworn to well and faithfully discharge the duties assigned him, shall proceed to replat such municipal corporation according to the original plan or plat thereof. To enable him to find more easily the lines and corners of streets, lanes, alleys, and lots, the surveyor may call and examine witnesses, under oath or otherwise. When he has fully performed all the duties assigned him, and has made a plat of such municipal corporation, he shall make and attach his certificate to such plat that it is a correct copy of the original plat of the municipal corporation, as he verily believes, together with the costs and expenses of making the plat, and shall forthwith file it with the county auditor.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953