Within fifteen days after adoption of an ordinance of assessment pursuant to section 727.25 of the Revised Code, an owner of property against which assessments are levied or are to be levied pursuant to this chapter may apply to the legislative authority of the municipal corporation for a deferment of payment of the assessment on grounds that timely payment will impose financial hardship upon him. The legislative authority shall examine the applicant’s financial condition only to the extent necessary to determine whether or not timely payment of the assessment will cause such hardship. If the legislative authority determines that timely payment will cause such hardship, it may by majority vote amend the resolution of necessity adopted pursuant to section 727.12 of the Revised Code and the assessing ordinance to provide for deferred payment of all or part of the amount of the assessment until the earliest of the following:
(A) Such future date or dates as the legislative authority considers reasonable;
(B) Such time as the property is sold or transferred by the applicant;
(C) Such time as the property becomes subject to estate taxes under Chapter 5731. of the Revised Code.
Any charges, fees, or other costs incurred by the municipal corporation as a result of additional accounting requirements or borrowing made necessary by the deferment shall be added to the amount of the assessment and collected in the same manner as the assessment. The amount of any assessment deferred under this section shall be a lien upon the property until full payment is received by the municipal corporation.
Effective Date: 03-15-1982