The police department of any municipal corporation may provide police protection to any county, municipal corporation, township, or township police district of this state, to a park district created pursuant to section 511.18 or 1545.01 of the Revised Code, to a port authority, to any multijurisdictional drug, gang, or career criminal task force, or to a governmental entity of an adjoining state without a contract to provide police protection, upon the approval, by resolution, of the legislative authority of the municipal corporation in which the department is located and upon authorization by an officer or employee of the police department providing the police protection who is designated by title of office or position, pursuant to the resolution of the legislative authority of the municipal corporation, to give the authorization.
Chapter 2744. of the Revised Code, insofar as it applies to the operation of police departments, shall apply to any municipal corporation and to members of its police department when the members are rendering police services pursuant to this section outside the municipal corporation by which they are employed.
Police department members acting, as provided in this section, outside the municipal corporation by which they are employed shall be entitled to participate in any pension or indemnity fund established by their employer to the same extent as while acting within the municipal corporation by which they are employed. Those members shall be entitled to all the rights and benefits of Chapter 4123. of the Revised Code to the same extent as while performing services within the municipal corporation by which they are employed.
Effective Date: 12-31-1997; 2007 HB67 07-03-2007