The board of trustees of the Ohio police and fire pension fund may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, employ and fix the compensation of employees, and adopt rules for the proper administration and management of the fund.
Effective ninety days after the effective date of this amendment, the board of trustees may not employ a state retirement system investment officer, as defined in section 1707.01 of the Revised Code, who does not hold a valid state retirement system investment officer license issued by the division of securities in the department of commerce.
If the Ohio retirement study council establishes a uniform format for any report the board is required to submit to the council, the board shall submit the report in that format.
The attorney general shall prescribe procedures for the adoption of rules authorized under this chapter, consistent with the provisions of section 111.15 of the Revised Code under which all rules shall be filed in order to be effective. Such procedures shall establish methods by which notice of proposed rules is given to interested parties and rules adopted by the board published and otherwise made available. When it files a rule with the joint committee on agency rule review pursuant to section 111.15 of the Revised Code, the board shall submit to the Ohio retirement study council a copy of the full text of the rule, and if applicable, a copy of the rule summary and fiscal analysis required by division (B) of section 127.18 of the Revised Code.
All rules adopted pursuant to this chapter, prior to August 20, 1976, shall be published and made available to interested parties by January 1, 1977.
Effective Date: 11-02-1999; 09-15-2004