As used in this section, “calendar quarter” means the three-month period ending on the last day of March, June, September, or December.
Each employer shall pay its annual police officer employers’ contribution and firefighter employers’ contribution in four equal installments promptly as provided in sections 742.33 and 742.34 of the Revised Code. If an employer fails to make a payment on or before the date that is sixty days after the last day of the calendar quarter, a penalty determined under section 742.352 of the Revised Code shall be assessed against the employer. In addition, interest on past due accounts and penalties may be charged at a rate determined by the board from the date the installment is due to the date of payment.
Upon certification by the board to the county auditor of an amount due from any employer within the county who is subject to this chapter, by reason of such employer’s delinquency in making employer contribution payments to the fund for past months, such amount shall be withheld from such employer from any funds in the hands of the county treasurer for distribution to such employer. Upon receipt of such certification, the county auditor shall draw a warrant against such funds in favor of the fund for the amount.
Effective Date: 02-19-2002