On and after January 1, 1974, each surviving spouse of a deceased member of the fund, each surviving child of a deceased member of the fund, and each surviving parent dependent for support upon a deceased member of the fund receiving benefits pursuant to former section 742.37 of the Revised Code shall have such benefits increased by the following amounts:
(A) Surviving spouse of a deceased member of the fund, thirty dollars per month;
(B) Surviving child of a deceased member of the fund, ten dollars per month;
(C) Surviving parent dependent for support upon a deceased member of the fund, fifteen dollars per month for each two such parents, or thirty dollars per month for the sole surviving parent of the deceased fund member.
Survivors of members of the fund who are receiving a pension in accordance with the rules governing the granting of pensions and benefits in force on April 1, 1947, which provide such member with an increase in the original pension pursuant to changes in the salaries of active members, are not eligible for the benefits provided in this section.
Effective Date: 01-01-1974