For the purpose of paying the interest on money borrowed for the erection and completion of a water works, during the erection and completion thereof and before the water works is put into operation, a tax of sufficient amount shall be assessed and collected each year, in the usual manner of levying and collecting taxes in the municipal corporation, upon all the taxable property thereof.
For the purpose of paying the interest on any money which a municipal corporation has borrowed for the erection or extension of a water works, and after such water works has been placed in operation, and for the building of machinery, a tax of sufficient amount may be assessed and collected each year by the legislative authority thereof, in addition to the amount authorized by law, upon all the taxable property, both real and personal, in such municipal corporation.
Such tax, when levied and assessed, shall be a lien upon the property upon which it is levied, and a charge against the owners thereof, and shall be certified to the county auditor, placed upon the tax list in a separate column thereof, collected as other taxes, and paid into and be under the same control as the water-works funds.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953