The legislative authority of a municipal corporation, the board of township trustees of any township, the board of township park commissioners of any township park district, the board of county commissioners of any county, the board of education of any school district that has entered into an agreement for the joint operation of recreational facilities or community centers with the municipal corporation that embraces all or a major part of such school district, and a joint recreation district pursuant to Chapter 133. of the Revised Code, in order to exercise the authority conferred by section 755.16 of the Revised Code, may issue bonds for the purpose of acquiring lands or buildings, or extending, enlarging, or improving existing lands, facilities, or buildings for parks, playgrounds, playfields, gymnasiums, swimming pools, public baths, indoor recreation centers, or community centers, and for the equipment thereof. Land acquired by a municipal corporation for a swimming pool may be within or without the limits of such municipal corporation.
Effective Date: 07-20-1988