No symphony association, area arts council, or other similar organization may receive any of the payments provided for in section 757.05 of the Revised Code until the symphony association, council, or organization, by a proper resolution adopted by its board of trustees or other governing body, has tendered to the mayor, or to the legislative authority of the city if there is no mayor, or to the board of county commissioners, the following:
(A) The right to nominate as trustees or as members of any other governing body of the symphony association, council, or organization, three members to be appointed by the mayor, or by the legislative authority of the city if there is no mayor, or by the board of county commissioners, one of which nominees may, in the discretion of such mayor or legislative authority, or board of county commissioners, be the mayor, or a member of the legislative authority, or the board of county commissioners, all three of whom so nominated shall thereupon be elected as trustees or as members of any other governing body;
(B) The right to nominate for membership on the executive committee of the symphony association, council, or organization, one of the three trustees of the symphony association, council, or organization, representing the city or county as the trustees pursuant to division (A) of this section, which nominee may, in the discretion of the mayor or the legislative authority of the city if there is no mayor, or the board of county commissioners, be the mayor, or a member of the legislative authority, or the board of county commissioners, which nominee shall thereupon be elected a member of the executive committee;
(C) The right to require the orchestra maintained by the symphony association or any performing groups maintained by the council or organization to provide such feasible popular performances at low cost, as in the joint judgment of the board of trustees of the symphony association, council, or organization, and the mayor or the legislative authority of the city if there is no mayor, or the board of county commissioners, will serve the largest interests of the citizens of the city or county.
A copy of the resolution, certified by the president and secretary of the symphony association, council, or organization, shall be filed in the office of the city controller of the city or the board of county commissioners of the county, as a condition precedent to the receipt by the association or society of any payments.
Effective Date: 11-24-1977