(A)(1) The director of agriculture may deny, suspend, or revoke a license issued under this chapter for a violation of this chapter or the rules adopted under it. Except as provided in division (A)(2) of this section, the denial, suspension, or revocation of a license is not effective until the licensee is given written notice of the violation, a reasonable amount of time to correct the violation, and an opportunity for a hearing.
(2) If the director determines that a dairy product constitutes adulterated food as described in section 3715.59 of the Revised Code or exceeds bacterial or chemical standards established by rules adopted under this chapter, or that an emergency exists that presents a clear and present danger to the public health, the director may deny, suspend, or revoke a license, effective immediately without a hearing, provided that an opportunity for a hearing shall be afforded thereafter without delay.
(B) All proceedings under this chapter shall comply with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, except that:
(1) The location of any adjudicatory hearing that the licensee requests shall be the central office of the department of agriculture.
(2) The director shall notify a licensee by certified mail or personal delivery that the licensee is conditionally entitled to a hearing. The director shall specify in the notice that, in order to obtain a hearing, the licensee must request the hearing not later than ten days after the date of receipt of the notice.
(3) If the licensee requests a hearing, the date set for the hearing shall be no later than ten days after the date on which the director receives the request, unless the director and the licensee agree otherwise.
(4) The director shall not postpone or continue an adjudication hearing without the consent of the licensee. If the licensee requests a postponement or continuation of an adjudication hearing, the director shall not grant it unless the licensee demonstrates that an extreme hardship will be incurred in holding the adjudication hearing on that hearing date. If the director grants a postponement or continuation on the grounds of extreme hardship to the licensee, the record shall document the nature and cause of the extreme hardship.
(5) In lieu of having a hearing and upon the licensee’s written request to the director, the licensee may submit to the director, not later than the date of the hearing set pursuant to division (B)(3) of this section, documents, papers, and other written evidence to support the licensee’s claim.
(6) If the director appoints a referee or examiner to conduct the hearing, the following apply:
(a) A copy of the written adjudication report and recommendations of the referee or examiner shall be served by certified mail upon the director and the licensee or the licensee’s attorney or other representative of record not later than three business days following the conclusion of the hearing.
(b) Not later than three business days after receipt of the report and recommendations, the licensee may file with the director written objections to the report and recommendations.
(c) The director shall consider the objections submitted by the licensee before approving, modifying, or disapproving the report and recommendations. The director shall serve the director’s order upon the licensee or the licensee’s attorney or other representative of record by certified mail not later than six business days after receiving the report.
(7) If the director conducts the hearing, the director shall serve the director’s decision by certified mail upon the licensee or the licensee’s attorney or other representative of record not later than three business days following the close of the hearing.
(8) If no hearing is held, the director shall issue an order by certified mail to the licensee or the licensee’s attorney or other representative of record not later than three business days following the last date possible for a hearing, based on the record that is available.
Effective Date: 10-21-1997; 04-15-2005