(A) An establishment, as defined in section 918.01 of the Revised Code, that slaughters or otherwise prepares meat of bison, cervidea, other bovidea, camelidae and hybrids thereof, ratites, domestic rabbits, domestic deer, as defined in section 1531.01 of the Revised Code, or other animals determined by the director of agriculture by rule, for human food purposes may receive voluntary state inspection, as defined in division (B) of section 918.01 of the Revised Code, if the establishment complies with sections 918.01 to 918.11 of the Revised Code and the rules adopted under those sections for establishments that slaughter or otherwise prepare for food purposes other animals and if the establishment complies with division (C) of this section.
(B) The owner of an establishment, as defined in section 918.21 of the Revised Code, who slaughters or otherwise prepares the meat of pheasant, quail, partridge, peafowl, grouse, captive raised wild turkey, captive raised waterfowl, or other poultry determined by the director by rule may receive voluntary state inspection as defined in division (I) of section 918.21 of the Revised Code and the rules adopted under those sections for establishments that slaughter or otherwise prepare for food purposes other poultry and if the establishment complies with division (C) of this section and sections 918.21 to 918.28 of the Revised Code.
(C) An establishment that receives voluntary state inspection under division (A) or (B) of this section shall pay the costs of the inspection at a rate and under terms established by rule of the director of agriculture in accordance with section 918.04 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 03-18-1999